Why is Blood Infusion still not soloable?

Following as im in the same boat. Except for Fangs and the Druid staff, because i dont play a Rogue or Druid, i have every Legendary but this because of the first 2 wings. Havent even tried the plague wing because i cant do the Blood wing.

I would happily help you on my paladin. He is also stuck at this point in the quest chain, so maybe we could trade off weeks!

I was able to do the solo trick once on one of my DK’s. Tried once more right before BFA and it seemed to have gotten harder or just not working anymore. Could be my internet too though.

Tell you are on thunderlord (or one of our connected servers) and I’ll help you. I need it too !

Get friends.

I farmed that damned bow at LEAST 1000+ times i think KJ was even tired of seeing me… i gave up

Try seeing it on your Demon Hunter before your Hunter that has farmed for years. Luckily i did eventually get it to drop during BFA

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and ugh

The absolute entitlement from mog farmers boggles my mind sometimes. Blizzard set such a bad precedent when they reworked certain encounters to be more solo friendly because now people think they DESERVE time/attention from Blizzard for non-content. It’s really not a wonder you people get the cold shoulder from Blizzard, because any time you get an inch you try to force Blizzard to give you a mile.

Have you tried making a group in group finder? It worked for me. People will probably join for a shortcut to the Lich King to farm Invincible.

Pretty sure it can still be done solo, I did it at least once since 9.0. However, that aspect seemed to be referring specifically to forming the group, which can still be done if you have someone help you form the group (even if they don’t help with bites)

All in all I find it hard to believe (but not impossible) that anyone playing an MMO-RPG has no friends or even guildies to help. Even one. A lot of stuff has been designed to require social/group efforts. Should Blizzard make current dungeons/raids soloable to accomodate people that don’t socialize at any level in an arguably social game?

That all being said, Blood Infusion (and honestly even Unholy Infusion) should be changed as a simple QOL. Maybe change all of them to be consistent across the board. All are like ‘hit the boss 5 times with the weapon’ or ‘infuse their essence once their defeated’ (kinda like the quest in SM where you had to dip the blades of anointed). Will Blizzard commit the resources to go back and change a mechanic from 5 expansions ago? Unlikely. But it’d definitely be nice and I’m all for it.

Yea they actually made the change with the SL pre-patch so it was pretty recent. I don’t know OP. Just 2 or 3 people or whatever to help you for a few minutes. It’s really your only option.