Because it’ll be bud light all over again.
You’ll have to have a pretty good ad and placement for it with a sponsor .Where would it be more profitable?
Please keep in mind I’m not a professional writer of any kind. What I was going for with my humble “Welcome home.” Ad idea was targeted to all RPG gamers who range from table-top dungeons and dragons to console rpg gamers and mmorpg gamers who may feel that the gaming industry has abandoned them by shifting priorities to faster twich based gaming. These RPG gamers may feel that they have been left out in the snow as it were.
So my ad would provide them with an truely rpg home in Wow.
Of course if it appeals to ex-Wow players and incentivizes them to return. All the better.
Those people don’t care about retail, they are either playing classic or have no interest either way. Again, 200+ million accounts. If people wanted to play WoW, they would, they just don’t want to.
For a fun comparison: FF14 is sitting at roughly the same subscriber count by most estimates yet has only had 28 million accounts. The room for growth over there is much more substantial.
people don’t care about retail, they are either playing classic or have no interest either way. Again, 200+ million accounts. If people wanted to play WoW, they would, they just don’t want to.
I understand your point. So then what’s going to happen to Wow if it keeps bleeding customers?
I don’t know, that’s up to Blizzard. There are MMOs that run just fine with way less people.
I remember seeing the adds with Mr T and Will Shatner.
By then I was already playing the game but it was neat to see.
They should round up some big actors that play wow and do a advertising thing with them again. I think it could be beneficial.
If I was the popular kid who now barely holds the attention of 1/8th of what I had I’d not advertise myself either.
It’s embarrassing grandpa…stop it…you’re not cool anymore no one says Krunk anymore…
Facepalms as grandpa blizzard tries to hammer time dance to impress the kids today*
Ohhh… No… -_-;
But really they have Microsoft money now, they should be able to.
They were when the expansion came out. Saw a bunch of 15’s on youtube
Probably not a lot of good ROI right at the start of a content drought before the next Expansion. A successful conversion just brings someone in when they’re way behind and will get the worst experience possible.
Do you take everything this literally?
I can’t remember seeing a MMO with an actual commercial ad before or after WoW.
Iirc, Defiance and Rift both had commercials. Oh yeah, found them.
So why the dwindling sales of subscriptions and the emptying of servers due to dwindling player populations.
Funny you sould ask. I have a list where each item is something that someone claimed is the ONLY reason for WoW’s demise. By the way, just about every major gaming site still claims WoW is one of the top 5 MMOs.
Reasons people have given for the “Worst decision ever made by Blizzard”.
- When WOW was first created it was one of the only D&D like MMOs around. Now there are hundreds of new ones each year.
- In an industry where 5 years is middle aged and 10 years is an antique, WOW is an 18 year old game competing with tons of new technology.
- The trend these days is toward social media and mobile where WOW doesn’t play well.
- Some say it’s the story writting particularly in BFA and ShadowLands.
- Or it’s the toxic culture of the players that’s causing people to leave.
- Others point to specific abilities like “borrowed power” that have been taken away.
- Next we hear that it’s time gating
- Death. Wow players aren’t getting any younger, and younger players don’t share the same attraction to MMOs… particularly ones dominated by older people.
- The questing requirements are not long and grinding enough.
- The questing requirements are to long and grinding.
- They heard Activision say: “If you don’t like the game, go play something else.”
- or… “The game is not meant for you”.
- SL had too many mobs close together.
- The Horde/Alliance cold war.
- The China fiasco.
- No regular flying at expansion launch is what killed the game.
- Dear Blizz you cut this feature I loved so I quit.
- Fed up with the loot system/RNG
- Want an MMO with less focus on dungeons and raids
- They want RPG content
- No player housing
- Long server down times.
- People don’t like power systems.
- LFR !!!
- WoW is too hard core.
- Blizzard cut employee bonuses by 58% despite getting a strong fiscal year.
- In 2009 WoW = 5 button rotations, in2023 WoW = Massive 20 button bloat rotations.
- Blizzard managers have changed priorities from creating a good game to making money.
- Ending 10 man Heroic/Mythic
- The developers turned WoW into a lobby action RPG
- The content is throwaway/obsolete by the next patch
- Mythic + is killing Wow
- And now: Unique items have a sub cost
- And the number one reason people no longer like World of Warcraft …
You can cook food but you can’t eat it
Funny you sould ask. I have a list
Why, Thank you Tiffany. That is an extensive list. There’s one line that I noticed “The game is not meant for you” which is similar to an ad for another mmorpg I see on Youtube occasionally and that’s the Eve Online Ad. The scene is space and the announcer says:
“This Game… you’re not ready for it!” I don’t get it? Makes no sense." What do think?
From what I’ve read, Eve online has one game mode which is basically super PvP. It’s massive fleets of ships going up against each other all the time.
One person said they tried to be a trader but every time they set out in their ship with a load of cargo someone came by and blew them up. So they decided if you can’t beat them join them and got a warship.
Oh I see. Thank you Tiffany.
No one cares about MMO’s anymore, let alone a almost 20 year old one.
I wouldnt advertise either. Just be happy with your established playerbase. Its only going to get worse.
Yeah, generally people try and stay away from places full of rodents.
Its more like parasites and leeches but i dont disagree.
OMG. Some of you make it sound like Blizzard should put a sign above the Wow Log-In Screen reading:
“Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”