Why is Blizzard not Adverstizing Wow?

Everybody already knows what World of Warcraft is, it was a major cultural phenomenon for like five years in the early 2000s. It’s still in reference albeit less frequently in pop culture today.

What would the point of an ad campaign be if the majority of people are already aware of the product?

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There have been, what, 250 million accounts created and only between 1-2 million subs? Anyone that actually cares about WoW would already be playing it. I’m sure they realize the money is better spent elsewhere lol.

Funny. If you think a one page post is a novel. I would love to see you try to read War and Peace. Or Gone With the Wind. Or “Gasp!” Tolkien’s Silmarillion.

This is what I was going to type :sunglasses:. They do digital marketing, I do see ads running for DF/classic on meta platforms. It’s so easy to monitor/track analytics there; and do A&B testing, you can plan your posts ahead of time until your hearts content.

If you’re not seeing ads of wow on your social media you’re probably not in their target audience for the ad campaign.

It’s insane how much $ is spent on digital marketing. I think they’re super intrusive on people’s personal information, although you’re just a number it won’t say “HENRY LOVES SPORTS”. In my rose tinted glasses you’re just lumped into a category.

But I’m sure on the backend it’s all there, and probably runs deep with cookies, mailing lists being sold etc. :face_with_peeking_eye:.

its 20 years old… People move on to other things. New people want to do new things…

There are a lot of reasons. I was going to be sarcastic, but since you put some time into your post, I will try to give a decent marketing breakdown.

More than likely they are looking away from the expensive advertisements which you listed.

TV is expensive and in general TV viewership is down. Also the demographics which play WoW, or would Play WoW, dont necessarily line up with viewer demographics. So having to have a marketing department analyze show demographics, viewership, viewership retention and time of show. Then produce TV spot advertisements, which is also expensive.

Radio. Radio adds for a visual MMO experience would be a mute point. You would have to research again. Listening Demographics. Time Periods. Stations. Ect. Then produce a radio advertisement. And considering most people use Spotify, Pandora or other listening services. Which service do they advertise on? All? A few? That gets expensive, for something that will be ignored, skipped, or for people who pay for no advertisements, be nonexistant.

Movie Theatre Adds. Same problems as Television. Expensive. Market Research. In addition, theatre attendance is largely down. And for streaming services, again, which do you target? Whats your audience? All of those compile.

Now lets look at a huge chunk of where Blizzard is getting its advertisements. Streamers and Youtube Content Creators. There is a guild called Onlyfangs which has some of the most viewed streamers on twitch, all playing Classic Hardcore together in a parody guild for entertainment. Across all the streamers, you are talking 100k-200k Viewers every day, for hours.

Then add on other streamers playing WoW. Including Asmon. 50k-100k Viewers every day.

Then youtube. Bellular, T&E and others. Combined they get millions of views on their videos. Not to mention clips. Which also get hundreds of thousands of views.

All of this, while being income for the content creators, is free advertisement for Blizzard for WoW. Next to zero financial investment in producing this publicity. And on top of it being free, it all pretty much targets all of their demographics.

Then add on Twitter and other media. Very cost effective to produce. Gets hundreds of thousands, if not millions of views and shares. And many can be produced by current employees and developers, for free, by having it as a part of their job role.

So lets go back to the start. You have several means of traditional advertisement in forms of media, which are by and large declining, or difficult to zero in on demographics. In addition to the issues, they are quite expensive to advertise on, in addition to the expense of creating the advertisement.

Or you can have the advertisement be almost free, and rely on making good content for streaming and players.

I am 100% on board with this.

They do though.

According to?

Oh boy.

Right, so are you trying to appeal to people who have already quit due to resentment/distaste, or are you trying to attract customers who have no idea what this game is/is about?

Have you seen him lately? He’s old and frail looking. Rocky, even at his current age, would dust him. :boxing_glove::slightly_smiling_face:

no one cared about those

some no names , shouldve gotten ariana grande and taylor swift

Mr T would probably do another wow commercial for $10 lol. Same with Chuck Norris. Although Chuck still makes a bunch of money off those infomercials.

Pretty sure Rocky’s on roids these days.

Yes, pedro pascal and david harbour, no names

star wars is in a rut and david harbours a behind the scenes on that one popular show and a rare cameo as the cop

taylor swift is the in thing

have her sing a song about wow

Did you miss the massive success that was The Last of Us?

So you’re trolling, got it.

Time is so wild. 1996 is the same temporal “distance” to the moon landing in ‘69 than it is to “us” in 2023.

20 years ago we were almost playing WoW for the first time. 20 years before that the Soviet Union was still going strong-ish.

Because I guess they don’t see no ROI on it.

To run an ad on national tv you’re looking at depending on how many seconds 300k to 800k a month. Or it could be in the 7 figures if its in prime time…

And then it’s not a guarantee that the right audience is going to see it…

This is a straight nitpicking and I honestly probably shouldn’t do it but its a little bit longer than 20 years Soviet union fell in 91.

And this is why I need to go to bed I cant do simple maths but I am going to leave this up so I can be pointed at and laughed at

I play WoW because it’s a game I know and that I’ve progressed in. If I hadn’t gotten into it back in 2005 I wouldn’t care two dingleberries about it, especially with the Activision-isation that happened during Wrath when Vivendi Games got bought out by Activision. And all the skullduggery that followed it - first it was ads on the forums, then the sparklepony happened, then more mounts happened, then in-game store happened, then boosts got introduced, then wow token got introduced, then they stopped offering value for expansions that had always been given to the base pack and now only happens in the more expensive versions… basically if it was the same Blizzard as it was before Kotick got his greasy mutts into the thing, I’d still care, but at this point, it’s the devil I know and nothing more.

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I think we’re all basically strapping on the red rubber ball-gag and whipping ourselves when we play at this point, lol.

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