Why is Blizz still ignoring the Area-52 login problem?

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Why would anyone want to waste time on a character that has no bearing on the main realm? I have 19 toons on A52, doing something on another realm does nothing for me what so ever. IF you are someone that actively does that its one thing but when all your time is vested on 1 server playing on a different realm until you can play the mains that you pay to play makes no sense.

Imagine if you were told you couldn’t look at your new baby at the hospital but instead they told you to go look at someone else child instead and that at some point you could see your own.


I am on A52 also, when I rolled there it was medium pop server. All my chars and friends are there. I paid to play Shadowlands, not roll another alt to level through old content on a diff server while I wait to be able to play my main.


Girl I thought this thread was just going to be some nonsense but then I actually tried getting on my alt on Area 52 and OMG why is the QUEUE SO LONG?!!?!?!?

ION??? Pick up the phone

Hello??? This is not right!!!


What I dont get is… Proudmoore has ZERO queue. I am playing on my Alliance druid right now. It is listed as a Full server just as A52. So what gives???

Clearly this is an issue Blizzard has with A52 on their end.



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So basically they’re trying to figure out if they need more hamsters per wheel or more wheels in general.



Not all servers have the same population. WrA is full for instance but not mega server full the way area 52 is.

Dumb. My chars have been there since bc. We didn’t get ourselves into anything.


Theres been free transfers off before for this. If they give them again now will you take the transfer to a lower pop server? If no, then yes you willfully do get yourself into this.

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How can you tell how many people are on a server? Or is the only way just seeing if its full or medium?

I think everyone kind of has a point.

Why would you not give large queue servers a limited-time option to change servers?

That seems like a win-win to me


Given the way you’re acting towards Blizzard in this thread already… is anyone actually surprised? lol

I’m sure you can expect this one to get 404d also, and you’ll get a suspension. Enjoy.


Anything below FULL is completely dead.


I’d go back Ally but I have to spend a few million before transfer.

Just want to play with buds again though, I actually love 52 for prices and population, just expansion weeks the only downside.

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Did I miss something? Did he say anything that was actually offensive, or is it imagined?


This made my day. Thank you kind nozzle :joy:

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It was reported cuz ir was spam. 4747489595955 people from his server have been spamming the forums non stop crying about it since launch.

No idea, since the post was removed. I’m saying it doesn’t surprise me that he’s having posts reported and removed, especially from the customer service forums, since he’s just here to trash talk blizzard.