Why is Blizz driving away current customers?

Does not compute. You seem to have a stake in defending blizzard, blaming the paying customers, and then you admit that blizzard is the “king of botched launches”. I feel you are just here trying to get people to react.

Blizzard is the architect of the current status of the servers. The blame rests solely with them from Day 1 to the present time. Blaming those who took time off from work, paid for an unplayable game 2 weeks prior to release because blizzard’s bait of name reservations, people who already server hopped due to blizzard’s advice (sometimes multiple times), this is insanity. But hey, it is toeing the blizzard line so it will fly under the radar of the mods, despite the blatant troll spirit of your posts. Good grief.


I get it. We picked Herod on name res day. Cool name. Streamers weren’t going there. We got our names and celebrated.

Prior to launch it became obvious to all of us (about 30 at the time) that Herod was a no-go. We knew what 10k queues would look like, more or less, and we chose as a group to move. On that particular day, the only server we could move to that wasn’t already high or full was Stalagg.

We moved to Stalagg because Blizzard said that’s what we should do. We deleted our names on Herod and almost none of us got our names on Stalagg. We shook it off and got excited about launch.

By launch day, Stalagg was just as full as Herod. We didn’t move a 2nd time because–hello, we already moved once and it gained us nothing. Blizzard said, “move here to avoid queues.” We did that. We still had queues. We were in the same spot as before, only this time without our names. We decided to wait until launch and reassess.

Day one saw some of our people in 28k queues. Twenty-Eight THOUSAND people in front of them in queue. Now I ask you–why was Stalagg the ONLY overflow option until it had so many people on it that there was a 28k queue? It wasn’t the players’ fault.

Day two was almost as bad as day one, and several of our people hadn’t been able to log in at all. Our GM chose a low-pop server and we moved again.

We haven’t had a queue since, and we’re playing on a lively server that everyone is enjoying tremendously. It’s “low population,” but there is no shortage of people there. Everyone logs in and out whenever they want to, just like it’s supposed to be.

So, I get it. We had to move twice. It wasn’t fair. We lost names we planned for and took the time to reserve. In the second move, those of us who’d been able to play had to re-roll toons we’d invested two excruciating days of queues, disconnects with re-queue, and hours of laggy, buggy time leveling just to get started.

It was worth it.

I get it. You don’t deserve it. I think it’s terrible, and I think there was ample time prior to launch for Blizzard to have prevented it. I cannot understand why they’re not offering transfers to lower-pop servers. We were in the same boat, and I’m totally on your side about this.

But move. Get your guild off of your server and move so that you can play. There are several places without a queue, and it’s only been a week. In a month, none of your people will want to move, and your community will break apart. So move. move so that you can play.

That’s my two cents.


yah I few of my friends and I chose a lower population server so we wouldn’t have to wait. Either way y’all are the same people griping about “community” in vanilla. Go make some new friends. Either way if you want to play in a reasonable amount of time choose one of the 400 other servers to play on that don’t require a que to log in.

When was it stated that I’m not an RPer? First time I played WoW I started on an RPPvP server and I did both things

Granted I’m busy trying to level right now so RP and thinking of a character is on the backburner but chill out with the accusations, my dude

(Also people who don’t want to RP or are completely new to it should be welcome to play on the server as well)

Been waiting for one of these threads, so busy playing haven’t been on forums. Ah… the old whine threads. /popcorn.

Thank you for putting it so rationally. This man gets it and he gets how to be persuasive to people in an argument. I’ll probably end up having to give up on my character on Whitemane and make a new pvp character on another server.

Thank you,

This is quite a gem you’ve posted. Heaven forbid that players returning to an old MMO be concerned with “friends” or their “guilds”.

I completely agree. I originally rolled on Herod, was told to switch off, and I did. Now I’m on Stalagg where the queue’s are in the thousands anytime after noon. I’m fortunate that I don’t have to be in school or work anymore, but people that have a job? Good luck, especially in phase 2. I’m waiting to see how my guildmates get on after work for our raid times because all I can imagine is them sitting in queue until the raid is over.

Also, I find it ironic that every defending blizz doesn’t even use a classic avatar. Makes you think they aren’t even playing the game, suspicious…

On one hand I agree, there have been solutions and well-known techniques to mitigate these problems for about a decade now. I work in enterprise architecture, including development, and I couldn’t imagine my company facing this issue for more than 24 hours. This goes for numerous apps that cumulatively equal well over 300k concurrent users spread across the entire east coast of the US, with complexity that far, far, far would extend beyond anything some app like WoW would suffer (healthcare IT - it is insane how many moving cogs go into a single app).

On the other hand, Blizzard resurrected a bunch of old solutions and I have no idea what challenges they’re facing. Even in the age of virtualization and massive storage and everything else it isn’t always so easy to fix these problems. Again, I have no idea what their architecture is.

It sucks, I know, but all I can recommend is having your guild move to a low pop server.

There are numerous day one servers that don’t have queue times- you picked one of the big servers because you knew it would still be alive in a month. You’re paying now in queue time sure, but the reward is having people to play with in a month.

At the end of the day though- queue times were part of this game in a major way up to WotLK. There were days, even weeks where getting on was hard to impossible due to various issues, and downtimes tended to last half a day- with potential for emergency downtimes to fix problems they made with the patch all through the week.

This is like a raindrop compared to the storm that Vanilla and TBC used to be. If you can’t handle it- you can’t handle Vanilla.

Just to put this out there I originally created a character on Herod. When blizzard came out with their post they only mentioned Herod would have long queue times. I switched and got onto Whitemane. When launch came Whitemane turned out to be even worse than Herod.

I followed blizzard’s advice and still got screwed.

Where was it stated that you were not by me? Reread what I wrote. Advertising Grobby as a place for people to escape long queues (despite those people wanting a PVP server not a RPPVP server) is doing harm to Grobby. Our server is already a morass of horrible non-RP snerts only there because of high queues elsewhere. We are full up with people who have zero respect for the server type rules. We do not need more of the same.

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I never said any such thing lmao

You need to chill out

Central Florida, east coast. It finally moved off of Grand Bahama island early this morning, moving north instead of northwest. The new track keeps it 80 miles off-shore of Cape Canaveral as a Cat 3 with sustained winds of 120 mph. Hurricane force winds extend 35 miles from the center, so the hurricane watches and warnings have been dropped for this county. All we’re going to get here is a typical Florida summer severe thunderstorm. We don’t evac for them, we’re not evac’ing for this, either.

If it DOES change and come closer, the car is gassed up and ready to go. Its movement is expected to not be greater than 10 mph as it passes us. And anyone who knows how I drive can confirm that I’ll be in Maine before the hurricane reaches Savannah, Georgia. LOL

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Oh for goodness sake… :roll_eyes:

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Yeah, I said there’s other servers to play on if queue times are that bad, not a glowing advert for playing Grob for that express purpose

Last time I’m replying to you since I’m 100% certain you’re trolling at this point but again, chill out


A final word. You people are failing to realize the primary point of my post. Yes, I am saying they could do more to combat queue times, but that is not my main point.

My main point is to criticize their marketing and play strategy for Classic. They are screwing over 10 times more people now who are probably going to leave and not keep playing in favor of the 1/10 number of people who will stay despite all the issues.

In my mind screwing over 100 people now to favor 10 people in the future is a bad business plan. This is the plan that Blizzard is still committed to however. That is my complaint.

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LOL that’s EXACTLY what Blizzard has been doing with retail!! Compared to the vast number of people who have quit during the worst expansions (Cata,WoD,BFA) the few who remain are who they depend on to stay afloat through microtransactions and the mounts/pets in the cash shop. They don’t CARE about the rest because enough money is being made off of the people who are left, they are perfectly fine screwing over everyone else. It wasn’t until Classic became a thing that they actually started making decent profits again.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying I don’t feel sorry for you. I’m not a fan of the queues either when I get them, but I deal with it. The real problem are the people who are using macro keyboards and 3rd party software to avoid afk logging out in order to never have to sit in queues, which exacerbates the problem and inflates the queues even more. Until Blizzard starts bringing down the banhammer on them, they will continue to be an issue


Because we had a community of easily 250-300 people spread across both horde and alliance from our original vanilla server, stonemaul. coordinating that many people into a single server is not a simple task. Asking them to up and reroll because blizzard dropped the ball is even more difficult.


That is the crux, isn’t it? That is the element that so many pseudo-trolls are handwaving. Entire guilds are told that they should just up and move, entire friends lists are being told to up and move, some multiple times, because of a situation that was caused entirely by blizzard.