Why is Blizz driving away current customers?

The business model/plan makes absolutely no sense to me at all. Is a 5 year old managing the Classic business plan at Blizzard?

Blizzard: “Our product will be so successful we won’t provide enough of it to meet demand! We will force them to wait and not provide what our customer’s are paying for. This will drive many of them away so that our projections of vastly fewer players in the future will come true!”

Blizzard is so obsessed about fulfilling their own projections about future players they are screwing over current players. They are right. Those players are starting to leave and blizzard is missing a HUGE opportunity.

Blizzard could have capitalized on this time and brought back MILLIONS of paying customers. Instead they intentionally chose to not meet launch demand and now hundreds of thousands of those players are already starting to leave.

The majority of times I want to play I can’t, at least intiially, without a long queue. I can’t just log in and play when I have a minute. I have to wait in line, sometimes for hours just to get in. My main character on my chosen server is only level 14 because I simply cannot get in to play with him!

How many have already left? Yet, players seem complicit in this horrible decision. When blizzard gives their reasoning of screwing over current customers in favor of vastly fewer projected customers in the future players nod sagely and agree not realizing the imbecility in their assent.

Blizzard, let me help you. You can make A LOT more money now by retaining and catpitalizing on your current interest in your game instead of intentionally driving 80% of them away. Perhaps if your provided server (Ie servers that work and allow us to play) were not so horrible more people would stay and continue to play instead of so many leaving as you predict.

Blizzard is shooting themselves in the foot TO FULFILL THEIR OWN PREDICTION by forcing people away now. It just makes no sense.

Rejection of common arguments:

  1. I don’t care if blizzard “warned” us about queue times. This was after we had already created characters, established communities, and created guilds. It was too late at that point.
  2. Blizzard should have created many more servers initially, because they KNEW what demand was. Creating a new server on launch day is idiotic because again, communities had already been established, guilds formed, and characters created on chosen servers. It was too late.

As of yesterday I still could not log in and play on the server I wanted. Even my backup server required me to wait for about an hour to play. I was lucky I had that much time and could wait. Many times I do not. At this rate myself and many, many more people will lose interest soon and you will have your vastly smaller paying customer base you are telling everyone you want.

I hope that makes you happy.


Yeah I guess they made the mistake of not having enough servers.

Now what? Any actual solution for them?

Also why do you play on such a high pop server? I don’t even get a queue.


I joined a discord, made friends, joined and guild, and created my desired character all from the first day on.

At that point ALL the servers were high pop of the original few that were created.


Sure you got a business degree by going, 'just make the servers work, lol"

Making more servers isn’t a solution because as the player base decreases, as it will when 8.3 launches, in addition to future expansions, those servers will be vacant and wasted, and it’s a hassle having a server crunch

Layering will be sorted and removed as the player base declines, and if the queues are bothering you that much, there’s other servers to play on (Grub is pretty active and I think the worst queue i ever had was like two hours)


If you want to play then reroll, if you want to play with your friends on a high pop server, then you have to wait.

The only person to blame for sitting in queue is you.


The issue here is that they did. You just seem upset about it. Not many have left seeing as how full the servers continue to be.


i’m sure that’s exactly what they had in mind when they were pondering launching classic. “How can we tank this franchise?, OH I GOT IT! LET’S GET QuEuEzY!” not.

Except that is exactly what they are doing.

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pick a different server if you don’t want queue’s. it’s that simple. don’t blame bliz, they’ve put stuff in to fix the problem. If you choose to not take advantage of the fixes they implemented, that’s on you.


what “fixes”? I still can’t play on the server with my friends, my guild, and my character in whom I have invested time. Saying “just play a different server herp derp” doesn’t do anything to solve the issue.


Perhaps pop back in a couple of weeks when the trend begins to establish itself? Classic will still be here.

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Your problem doesn’t exist. If you want to play, you can. The game is absolutely playable.

Blizzard has no obligation to make sure you play on the same server as your guild or friends.

You made your bed on a full server, now lay in it.


TLDR: Rolled on High pop server, doesn’t want to move. Complaining about the queues.


You are still here

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So basically you want other people to abandon their friends and communities to go to a different realm so you don’t get put into a queue. Nice.


You and your friends were dumb, stubborn or both. My group of friends rerolled twice to get on a server with lower pops so we could play. We started in Herod, went to Stalagg and then on launch day jumped to Kromcrush. Other then a few smaller queues we have had no issue playing whenever we want. You chose this. Blizzard warned you numerous times and continued opening new servers for you to move to to avoid the queues. You all chose to stay so reap the rewards.



We (20) are on Skeram, half of our group are too committed to switch, the other half can’t play when they have time to play. We are all frustrated. You said to change server, but we were all there a 6PM for launch day. We committed to it, some of us took time off. We have a guys with a 42 rogue and 33 priest. We don’t care for Skeram, it was the only option available a the time.



Because people crying that they can’t log onto full servers now is preferable to people crying that servers are empty and they can’t find groups (or the much-vaunted “community”) months from now.


None of this is Blizzards problem. If your friends are too stubborn to move, that’s their fault. If you committed to a full server and continued to level on it knowing it’s a full server with long queues, that’s your fault.

Adapt or die


Do you get mad when you have to wait in line at a theme park?

Not all servers are full, and Classic isn’t its own subscription… So, we’re stuck with the choices we’ve made.