Why is Blizz driving away current customers?

like the posts on the forums, the fact that EVERY SINGLE GAMING SITE ON THE PLANET ran an article about it. It was on youtube, twitch etc. where again and again in Developer interviews they talked about the queues.
Not knowing is the dumbest excuse.

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You realize that every launch server has issues? If it was one server it would be different but they screwed up and it is their responsibly as the provider of the service to fix their colossal screw up?

Why do you care what people on high pop servers want? If you are on a non que server then go back to playing.


Did they not see the queue on their days off ? it was there, they could have just moved servers.

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It was there to point out Herod and Whitemane. They never once warned ppl on Skeram and Incendius, but keep perpetuating that lie.


They changed the algorithm after release day to make servers look properly full. Many like Grobby were low/medium on day 1 and became full when they changed the tags.Try again.

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So clicking a server and waiting for hours wasn’t a good enough warning for you?


how do you… still not understand the issue here? again, scroll up to the post i referenced.

I’m from grob and I rerolled. Sure it said medium, but I got the hint after waiting for 4 hours in queue…

Hmm wonder if there is a long queue here. Oh look says 18275 and multiple hours wait. Nah not that busy and won’t be after I’m done my 3 days off work so next week I can get in quickly !!!
next week
Why is there a long queue to get in ???

Um … :expressionless:

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Haha look at these fools not able to get in game! So glad I took days off and I don’t have to wait!

next week

Opens this thread

Talking to you is like banging your head against a brick wall. You sound like a broken blizzard shill record at this point. Perhaps it is best if you stop talking. There may be one or two people in this world not utterly convinced of your lack of comprehension about everything.

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When all 5 EST pvp servers have a 17K+ que on launch day, what do you suggest ppl do? Please enlighten me. Dont think you thought that comment out very well.

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Actually, most people I know all said queues like that would be gone after launch day, two to three days at most. No one thought queues like this would still exist.

Try again though.


Hmm you’re right let me think a little. Oh ik you could reroll like me and most people did!

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Oh great solution man. Why do you care if ppl want transfers if it doesnt effect you at all? Or are you just one of those sad ppl that get off on others frustration?

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Then you didn’t read the blue posts where they explicitly stated that full servers would experience severe queues for an extended period of time. Sorry not sorry. Blizzard was as open as anytime I’ve ever seen them about the launch population and the fact that queues were a reality. They were very clear that if people didn’t leave the severely overpopulated servers that extreme queues would stay.

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hmm did I say anything about being against transfers?

Don’t base your entire wow classic plans on the first 36 hours of the game. That’s my advice.

That is legitimately what I am arguing for… just open a new server and allow transfers boom, massive clumps and communities will migrate together and gladly do so

I didnt expect blizzard to continue to be the trash company that they’ve been for over a decade. I should have tempered my expectations