Did they say for like the last 4 blizzcons they are gonna communicate a lot more?
Forums are littered with pre-made vs pre-made posts and they are just silent. If you say “we DONT have intent to change this” people with stop posting, if you say “we DO have intent to change this” people will stop posting. Sitting there silently does nothing besides make your players annoyed.
They are constantly communicating wdym
There’s weekly post of class adjustments
Do you mean why are they silent about people whining about premades? They know people do that they have for 5 years. If they aren’t commenting then they probably aren’t planning on “doing something”
i showed you my $15
answer me blizz pls respond
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They only intervene if it affects their Paladins! 
Make some friends and form your own premades.
Also blizz staff is on vacation atm gl
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Upset as to how blizzard is running things? Then here’s your chance to have a say in how things are done. It’s not to late the register with the council.
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#1. It’s Christmas, they are on Vacation.
#2. They literally just gave us a Roadmap.
People cried about scorpidsand it was fixed in a week, people cried about shadow priest, enhance, ele, mage healing. All buffed on next reset. This is the only thing they have yet to address at all.
I understand that dude.
But this isn’t a new “complaint”. Happened on classic, happened on som, happens on sod. You’d think if they were going to do something they would have.
It’s been 5 years.
Scorpions were legit broken tho. Maybe they don’t see an issue with the complaints that are half a decade old.
I think they’re just on vacation for Christmas. It is pretty funny though to see the Twitter accounts all go silent when they are supposed to be “personal accounts” lol. As if the average person just stops using social media when they’re not working. Lawyers gonna lawyer.
That said, if they don’t respond to anything regarding the pre-made issue, for the next couple of weeks, it will be very bad PR. Even if they’re not going to do anything, they need to tell players that they’re not going to do anything.
Its fine, its christmas.
If you think people will stop complaining about it before they comeback then I can assure you they will see it.
There’s nothing wrong with the matchmaking system and that isn’t even something they’re planning on modifying in any way in SoD. Give it up already.
The forums have been littered with complaints about BG premades for almost two decades. If you haven’t figured it out by now, they aren’t going to change anything… thus the silence.
This is one of those things where they disagree with us that it’s a problem, but instead of saying that and having it push players away, they’d rather say nothing, stringing you along with false hope that they’re going to do something about it. It’s appeartly a design feature that they’re happy with. Trust me, they’ve heard us loud and clear about premades and other issues, yet this is a passive agressive tactic they use on their customers, and it’s abusive!
Citation desperately needed.
because, these forums only accept “we have given you everything you ever wanted” anything short of that causes a war
Honestly right now its Christmas so I think its excusable for a short while, but a better question is why aren’t they communicating about the 25% blanket nerf in bgs? They put it in without letting us know and haven’t said anything about it since we’ve found out.
Its a pretty anti-classic feature. I’d like some answers.
If they say they don’t intend to change it, people will post in fury about why they aren’t doing something. If they say they will change it, people will post in fury about why they are changing it.
No matter what Blizz does, several people will post as if they just pooped on their puppies.
It’s a bad faith company that doesn’t care about the players
So they should just state what their vision is if its all the same. The problem is they have no vision or plan for anything
Then why are you giving them your money?