Why in the world do people play vulpera instead of goblins?

and before the vulpera, pandaren, worgen and the ocational tauren or female belf posters says something about “cuteness” or “that they have a tail” or some nonsense like that. I mean actual legitimate reasons (not influenced by the primal desire that cuteness causes or the other primordial desire that some people have towards animal races in media) on why you whould play the hairy mutant rat goblin over the obviously superiors in everyway green (and ocationally yellow or blue) goblin?


Because people’s taste can differ from yours. You don’t need any other reason than that.


Should of given us Ogres. Another of Blizzard’s many mistakes and gaffes.


They’re adorable


Because they’re the only Horde that comes close to my gnomish cuteness? :kissing_smiling_eyes:


The one redeeming thing is they make a good meal on the go.

But then again as far as furries go, I’d identify as a Carrion animal so… I’m not picky.

Power to the Forsaken.




now I’m not the best at wording things but this statement was to address the main “reason” that I found people play vulpera (according to comments upon many vulpera related forum posts) is because people think that they are “cute”. however from what I’ve seen from testing out vulpera when I first unlocked them is that they seem to lack personality with their voice lines/animations when compared to the hordes other short race heck even when compared to the ally equivalent the mechagnomes they seem to fall flat personality wise

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Everyone has different opinions. Your standards aren’t everyone’s. You don’t get to decide that some reasons are legitimate and others aren’t, simply because you don’t like it.


So because you personally don’t like them or find them interesting you’re questioning why anyone would? Does personal preference not exist to you?


They’re soft and cute

Goblins are like boogers

Mechagnomes are the superior short race


Durr, look at me! I’m special because I like a lesser played race :crazy_face: -OP

People like what they like, alright?

Hey! At least I’m a cute booger…


Why do you play what you play?

People have many reasons to play a vulpera. Just as many as anyone has to play any race.


You’re indeed very cute! :smiley:


That’s the main reason. Vulpera are cute little foxes, so people want to play as a cute little fox. Their cuteness and the simple concept of being a tiny fox also gives them universal appeal which attracts a wide audience. I’m honestly surprised Blizzard never released official vulpera plushies. Those would sell out instantly.

I’m sure it’s very upsetting in PvP to be killed by a tiny vulpera warrior, so there’s another reason people pick them. It’s also an entertaining sight to see a small vulpera tank a gargantuan dragon 1000x his size, which is yet another perk to picking vulpera. Roll a vulpera hunter and you get to be a fox riding on a fox mount with a fox battle pet and 2 pet foxes following you around.


Because it takes forever to get a goblin out of the starting area, but vulpera are already level 10.


Same annoying animations.

Vulpera have slightly less annoying voices.

I’ve tried playing both, and have accepted I cannot. Both are far too annoying.

seriously, not all game play choices have to be mechanically game play choices.

Aesthetics and fantasy is a primary driving force for choosing anything other than generic human. or if you are feeling wild generic Short Human with Pointy Ears and Green Skin.

but say you only play the game for optimization and couldnt care less what they looked like, then you Choose Vulpera for its extra bag slots.
you Choose Vulpera for its make camp ability which allows for speedy quick trips from your quest hub to a hearth point and back to the quest area.
you do it for the rest area bonus that make camp gives. which allows you free change of your talents and abilities just like any other rest area would. saves you having to use expensive tomes.

why choose goblin? are there any relevant discounts allotted to them in recent expansions?


however vulpera require a whole quest chain and a level 50 character while goblins can be played from the get go and with exiles reach they now only take the same amount of time as every other race

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The quest chain for vulpera is easy. Voldun is a fast zone. And once you have them unlocked, you can roll away. Most players do have that 50, and except for alliance who have never played horde, are almost ready to activate the process. I have heard that drustvar exalted rep was converted to Voldun rep when you faction changed a character.

I have no interest in abandoning racial starting zones and doing the homogenized new version.