Why I'm quitting

You are fast if anything dude and I am no victim, especially of yours. I can outthink you any day of the week. Your drivel doesn’t impact me directly. I simply don’t like how you do people on this forum. I don’t like how you treat “people”. You are a bully plain and simple and this forum would be much better without you and your arrogance. Look at you and what you say. If I think you’re a bully it’s because you corrected me, lol. You think so much of yourself it is sickening…

You are the definition of a bully. No one made you the Feral police. No one asked you to come on here and take on every poor kid with an opinion like in the [Feral Druid Dead Last in Raid DPS] thread. You say you prove your point with logs, but all you are is a bully that can’t articulate the big picture, you can only fight and squabble with tidbits of information you gather to personally attack and discredit people that think differently from you.

If you had half the knowledge you think you do, you would “correct misinformation” in a more positive and constructive way. How? One way is by showing empirical evidence to the contrary versus the bullying tactics you employ to embarrass some poor kid into submission. How about you create a spreadsheet like Babs did on the monk forum? Prove what you are trying to say, educate people, versus be the bully you show yourself to be today?

This post speaks for itself.