Why I'm quitting WoW over Final Fantasy 14

14 just announced a new healer jon sage that uses funnels to heal n protect

other new class is a melee job and it might be necromancer from the shirt hes wearing

good luck, the only thing that irks me about ff14 was how yt started to push “I play ffx14 instead of wow because of music” and other small things that annoyed me.

One of his t-shirt seemed to have arabic script on it. That leads leads me to believe that the new melee is actually Mystic Knight, aka Rune Fencer.

It was an arabic themed job from FFV that imbued his sword with a common black or white magic spell, and then his sword strikes would perpetually adopt the properties of the spell cast on it. For example, your sword would deal fire damage if you used Fire III on it. It would absorb HP if you cast Drain on it. It would poison your foe you cast Bio. It would do much more damage if you cast Flare or Holy on it. And so on. The weapon could be a scimitar. (A kind of arabic sword.)

If it’s not Mystic Knight I think it would be something that uses a scythe, like Reaper or Dervish. Necromancer as a melee class sounds odd to me.

i wasnt expecting on how they would do the healer that way so who knows

I have to say that most of everyone’s armor or transmog appearances are awesome look at… I’ll probably farm them once I finish lv both faction Warlocks! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

ehem, sorry the profile off most people here, for some reason were drawing me so much as I read your comments I had to say something… :sweat_smile:

Oh and to OP have fun, my friends are actully play both but depending how the WoW expansion goes AND what classes pop up in FF14 (PLEASE LET IT BE A NECRO! :crossed_fingers: :persevere:)… Ill be joining them too and maybe we will quest together! Take care!
:wave: :blush: