Why I was wrong

Reported for trolling.

This. Outside of ending the WC3 story the entirety of this expansion is garbage. Trash raids with the only decent one being Ulduar; trash BGs, trash WG, trash open world content compared to Vanilla/TBC.

WOTLK is just so aggressively mid of an expac and the only reason people think it was good was wrath babies nostalgia as their first WoW experience

I started about halfway through TBC, Wrath wasn’t bad at the time, because we didn’t know any better, what we did have at the time was leaps and bounds ahead of any competition.

Plus a lot of us were younger, we had summer vacations and no jobs or kids so all the time could be commited to leveling other things if people did alts.

People seem to be slowly realizing that yeah, maybe to them retail is trash, but Wrath is the exact same as current retail, minus the QoL features. Even things people despise, is there as content. M+, LFR, pet battles, Archaeology, there is a lot to do outside of raid logging for those that are interested in other aspects of play.

And for those that do raid log, aren’t playing anyway to really care if RDF or what not is implemented. Blizzard has their sub fee regardless if they log on to raid one night a week or play seven days a week.

This is my point. Wrath is quite literally more retail than it is Classic. I had to play through 3 years of classic to realize this. I quit during the ICC patch of retail and blamed RDF for years; but really wrath was when the gameplay design philosophy went to the garbage, not cataclysm.


I quit at ToC because it was awful, didn’t come back until Cata pre patch. I did Ulduar and agree it was a fantastic raid, I’m sure ICC would of been alright, but couldn’t care to come back.

You played 1.5 years of Classic tops and the rest was on a shoddy retail progression realm. Retail began with that first expansion.

ToC is actually quite amazing in the fact it’s worse than even the easiest and poorly designed vanilla raids. If you’re bored with Naxx wait til ToC comes around so you can be reaalllly really bored

The only negative feature TBc has is flying. Literally everything else is Classic +

Far from it. To begin, you’ve already conceded that flying is one of the worst additions to the game. That alone is sufficient. Flying divorces your toon from the “World” of Warcraft. The cross-faction classes and centralization around Outlands as opposed to Azeroth is more fuel to fire. You continue to deny you were playing retail even when there are buyable boosts and purchaseable mounts. You’ve lost touch and should make another “Why I was wrong” thread after this one.

Nice thing about retail is you can hit max level in a matter of hours. Rerolling isn’t near as arduous as it is in classic.

This is a classic thing I’m one of the guys who got /spit removed. Original TBC was very close in line with Vanilla and even made it better in many ways especially class balance. Blizzard has been crapping all over classic since p5 vanilla though so you’re not wrong in bringing up boosts and shhh

Not at all. That’s the retail progression realms you’ve been a part of for the better half of 2 years now.

HEAVYWOOD was a PSYOP all along

I was sent by the globalists to create dissent against RDF so all the tourists would leave than force the classic Andy’s into QoL.


the charts never reached 14 million.

post them if you think they did. i bet you won’t.


your right on this one, i think they maxed at MAYBE 12.5 million. and that was towards the end of wrath, subs started to level off as cata was launched, and even the devs admit that it was cata class mechanic changes and the world map changes that caused the downfall of wow’s popularity. they never, and still dont, blame rdf for “killing” wow.


The charts only go to 12 you are correct, but if you think that only having 12 million disagree with you is Boom, then I don’t know what to say hahahahah.

Pretty sure they wouldn’t say this, but linking the interview would be appreciated.

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You sound pretty defensive towards a company you pay monthly, to enjoy a product that you don’t own.

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all I hear is

Guy should at least apply to their legal team, that way they can defend them and get paid for it, doing it wrong right now. Getting angry defending a billion dollar company and doesn’t see a dime.

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Actually agree with this.

WotLK was an overrated but mostly good expansion back in its day. WotLK in 2022 is almost a mobile game with how easy it is and how people choose to play it.

RDF does nothing to address that.