You’re welcome to leave
is playing Classic WoW, not wotlk
That’s why we put up with vanilla and TBC , to get to this expac where we could play our way.
What you incorrectly call a community, is actually a demographic. A demographic that didn’t respect Lich King for what it was and imposed its influence and got RDF removed, or as a recent theory suggests, gave the devs an excuse to not bother and try to add it at all.
It wasn’t surveyed on or voted on. Nobody, even us who would rather not have RDF in the game, expected no RDF in Wrath before the devs came out and said it.
The excuses they gave come right out of the mouths from the anti-RDF crowd.
They didn’t come up with any of that on their own.
And they don’t even care that they sounded hypocritical/contradictory over it.
You “put up with” Vanilla and TBC just to get to an RDF supported WotLK? Sheesh, hard to call you a Classic fan if the only thing that gets you going in all of Vanilla, TBC and WotLK is to run entry level WotLK dungeons to get ilevel 200 gear.
Misusing the word classic I see.
I’m a Lich King fan; I don’t give a crap about any other expansion nor will I ever play any other version of this game again.
Yes, but it’s a small group of people doing this. If anything, that should have pushed players to not care about playing one spec over another spec and just having fun. But it continued down the line of play like this and parse 99’s. Thats all era, tbcc, and wrath is. Who cares about parsing, no one should care about this at all when doing old content. It’s not a race anymore, it already happened. Just play the game like it is, brain dead.
the survey was flawed they only sent it to a small portion of the playerbase and most of them are people from vanilla wow and tbc so the big chunk of people waiting for wotlk release were left behind
you mean people that wanted classic didn’t want RDF? shocking!
another one with the “classic”.
While I agree with everything you’re saying, I’m failing to see how adding RDF fixes it. So you can get faster dungeon groups? So you can get to the end game quicker? But why does that even matter when in 1 month that alt you just leveled will be in the same spot your main is right now and the CORE of th game will still very much be the exact same. If the game is as soulless and boring as you say, how will adding RDF help?
Open world pvp will still not really exist. Everyone gets summed to the dungeons anyway. So What does adding RDF achieve? Is RDF really the savior of Wrath? You get to run the same dungeons over and over and over again, but you didn’t have to put the group together yourself so that made all the difference?
With random BGs, you can enter a BG any time of day, any bracket lvl (more or less) from anywhere you are in the world.
That’s all we (I) want RDF to do for dungeons.
I see people everyday putting premades together for BGs; players that don’t want to queue by themselves, or want to go in with an organized advantage. At the same time, the option is there to queue by yourself if you can’t get into a BG premade.
The random queue didn’t take away from the premade culture, as I see this every day I log into the game.
I understand that but my whole point is, how exactly will it fix the issues that Heavywood brought up?
OP should probably go ahead and just play retail or find another game.
League or EVE or Fornite or Overwatch hell even Runescape since it’s so hard to find the open world pvp they want.
RDF isn’t the boogyman nor is it a savior.
It is a system that some will choose to use to help the grouping process.
Won’t change my gaming in the slightest so let those that want to use it do so.
Because it allows more people to play
more reason to implement it then since its change nothing for the vast majority of players
I agree 100 percent, folks are trying to force people into doing community events, such as raiding and grouping up. He doesn’t want the dungeon finder, because that gives people the option to not group or join guilds. I think dungeon finder/ raid finder is one of the best things to come to wow.
the thing is you have more chance to find a body in RDF because the queues are long so by making a group of 3 dps instead of 1 will dramatically increase the speed, in my experience I am able to stay in with a group for more than one dungeon in retail wow then wotlk so far
you gota attract more new players, dungeon finder is a great way. My brother who played wow even longer then me and is a vet, tried wow classics he hit lvl 28 on two toons and gave up and went back to retail.
Folks don’t have all day to spamming looking for groups the age demographic for wow is alot older then when the game came out. Its one reason retail has fast que times for dungeons and bgs. In these classics wow version it takes way to long to lvl up, and heirlooms are not easy for newer players to get. So folks quit before they even reach half way to max lvl.
In the time it takes you to hit max lvl on classic servers you can can literally get 2-3 toons in retail max lvl and somewhat geared.