Why I was wrong

This was gonna fail regardless. I didn’t realize til I replayed it. Unlike Vanilla and TBC there is just no sustained content other than player made content and if you’re not on grobb GL finding player made content

you are wrong because you are an idiot and dont understand that wotlk was successful because of its causal features not because it was hard if you used two brain cells before posting 1400 bs post and tried to improve by disabling auto teleportation or just by looking at other game that use rdf like ffxiv and see how their community is alive you’ll understand that RDF has nothing to do with the decline of wow

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just tell me the logic if there is any in how leveling with dungeons impact the world. either way people that want to level up in dungeons will be in instance so you wont see them regardless. The only difference is now you have to spend time to manually choose people that will leave after 1 run just like before and you dont get more interaction in the chat by choosing a group manually than a random group.

Different people have different opinions of why they eventually quit retail.

I didn’t quit retail because of talent tree changes or dungeon difficulty.

For me, it was breaking up of guild/realm communities. Guilds became less important to do group content and realms do not really exist like they did.

Things that caused this is RFD, LFR, LFG, sharding, x-realm zones, war mode.

RFD, by itself, did not cause the downfall of WoW. It was one of many changes over the years that made WoW a poorer experience for players like me.

So, that’s why I fight against anything that was part of the reason why I eventually left retail.


RDF was a major factor in me quitting; but Wrath being a bad expansion is why I’m quitting this time. If Vanilla p1 was a 9/10 and TBC p1 was an 8/10 to me this Wrath P1 is a 4/10 experience

the truth is people left the guild because there were better gamer, they grow up and its life nothing last for ever but you mentioned group and guild which yet again has nothing to do with RDF if you spend just like maybe 2 min in retail wow you’ll see how the game ask you to be in a group like wold boss, arenas, mythic plus and raids. The rewards for LFR is laughable you still need normal gear if you want to do heroic and you still need a guild if you want to secure a place in a raid. You can not progress in the game without a group and again ffxiv is way more social than the trash we have now and they use RDF


No, seriously.


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No surprise the only thing good about this expansion was the game play loop that was taken away by blizzard and complete idiots like you

I live to entertain

Top kek.

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i have 2 as well, havent met any people leveling that second character, never ran a single dungeon on either until 80. i had so many alts in wrath and i dont care to do it a third time now that ive got a good bearing on how long it takes. i dont have 40+ hours a week to play like i did when i was 16

I guess the point is that many players decided to simply not join guilds because the automated tools were good enough to accommodate getting organized content done.

If you want to run a dungeon, why bother with guilds if you can just pop into RDF.

With respect to LFR, yep… the gear was inferior but the big complaint was that it still pulled a chunk of the population away and left less people to do the normal raids with.

These tools just encourage players to be solo players and not participate in the community.

What community? Outside of the grobb RP scene the classic community is dead and devoid with only hardcore super parses standing on its ashes rofl

Bloated megas do water down the community aspect. Players from Deviate Delight can attest to having an excellent community.

RP-PvP servers are actually better for community.

I miss when Grobb was an 8k medium pop RP server. Much better days. The top RP PvP guild nowadays is called “Kush Lords” rofl

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quite the contrariety LFR enable people that just join to be in a raid and retail is plagued by narcissist that will decline you if you dont have x achievement or you are new at raiding, at the end of the day the real raiding is in heroic and mythic. Heroic dungeon in retail is nothing, it doesnt give you the minimum gear level to LFR its the mythic plus that matter. All the meaningful content to progress your character requires a premade group there is no automatic tool for that you basically have no idea how retail plays now and for social interaction, people have find other ways for example when you join a raid your are most of the time asked to join a discord voice call and some stay in this discord server to raid again. So discord serves as a new guild so either you adapt to the real world or you get left behind.

lol even without RDF there is no world pvp and all populated servers are one sided

I had a hunter require 4.2k or higher GS for the heroic daily…

You can run heroics within minutes of reaching 80.


This is one of the reasons RDF is needed. Asking for a GS for a heroic is 100% gatekeeping just for the sake of gatekeeping. A fresh level 80 can be heroic ready in less than an hour.