It removes some of the player implemented hurdles to grouping like GS/achieve/meta classes/etc and makes it a reasonably equal platform for finding groups.
That being said, I’m in a guild and the only issue i’ve run across is missing the boat on Guild world tours and having to slum it in pugs. Slumming it would be much less annoying, to me personally, if RDF was around. I don’t see many of those hurdles around on my server much anymore but we aren’t a mega realm so YMMV.
Yeah all that sounds fine but if, on a truly fundamental level, the game is just a dated and bad version of what exists in the current time - a queue system is not the solution.
I was against RDF because of the classic community experience; WOTLK isn’t classic. Classic and the community experience that comes with it died when we took the boats/zeppelins to northrend. This is retail now and the community has been begging for RDF because that fact. If you’re a classic Andy who’s been here since 2019 like myself then you already have all your alts at 70 at least. RDF helps the people who are actually coming for WOTLK and want to play this garbage version of the game god help their poor little souls.
But for classic Andy’s who want the true classic community experience? Try SoM; the refugee parse culture mixed with game bad mixed with community destruction brought by blizzard forced xfers I’m completely okay saying Classic is dead
Prolly the same reason people refer to WOTLK as the alt expansion. The game itself is bad and end game is boring so the primary content is to have a ton of alts to do the content with so you can pretend theirs some sense of progression, but really you’re just wasting your time on a bad game
What a contradictory post. Yeah, I’m sure implementing RDF will address the world pvp issues you brought up by completely axing it.
You guys are kidding yourselves if you think RDF will change anything. The state of the game will remain the same, players will just be more isolated and confined.
I think it could be but I’m still thriving without it. My desire for it comes from nostalgia and admittedly a level of laziness that’s easy to get over.
Even if you are wrong people come on the forums, hear you say “game is trash game is trash game is trash” over and over again, and they are less inclined to play.
Just make your point and get on with it instead of launching a USSR tier propoganda campaign.
You don’t even know the numbers you’re talking about. I linkd NA pops previous comment to show that populations in Vanilla Na were roughly 4-5x more people than current
Wotlk was always one of the worst expansions. It’s just got rose tinted nostalgia going for it. It was the first expansion where they started chasing accessibility at the cost of depth, and so you have a whole generation of wow players who got that artificial dopamine hit from “succeeding” in the easiest expansion to ever release, who loved it.
As they grew up, and came back, they realize how pants on head easy the whole thing was. Same people who still think cata was a bad expansion, because heroic dungeons destroyed their misplaced sense of being good at video games.
I wonder if your outlook is similar to my own.
The mechanics part of the game is known and can be boring in that respect.
My enjoyment of the game is due to the story (WC3 storyline ftw) and playing with my guild comprised of people I know irl and have known/gamed with for over 20 years. We have had a blast in Classic since Era launched.
I was playing both Classic and retail until a few months ago. Got a beta invite for the Dragon expac and was entirely meh about the whole thing. Won’t be playing it as it doesn’t interest me - story or the dragons in your dragon so you can dragon while you dragon. Glad some are thrilled by that but it’s not my flavor.
But regarding a queue system: the imbalance of the servers kinda makes that system more attractive and, for some, needed. It won’t affect me either way as I now only play with guildies but my preference is just that. Putting it in is fine as I can easily stay in my lane and play the way I wish.
Psh half the people crying about cata would have never made it in TBC heroics. This is 100% the participation trophy expansion
I quit WoW in the original WOTLK. Dragonflight has the best talent system WoW has ever had with multiple viable builds for specs. It’s an absolute blast.