Total Population - 635.0k alliance vs 761.4k horde (54.5% Horde Majority)
A few things to consider
2:1 population disparity isn’t really present unless you count the Low Pop Earthfury (H) server.
Many servers do have a Super Majority disparity which is VERY bad for server health. The problem is amplified to the moon if the server is heavily populated.
Alliance has a majority on PvE servers and a massive disparity on RP-PvE servers. But a faction disparity doesn’t affect these servers because factions don’t aggressively interact on these servers.
Kinda like Wintergrasp but with server populations…I could see that for High Pop servers that have a queue…so if there’s a 50k server capacity allow 25k of each faction max, rest go to a queue.
All I know is that when cross realm battlegrounds are a thing, they really should group all the PvP realms together and all the PvE realms together. No mixing PvP and PvE for cross realm.
Alliance PvE realmers that want to BGs are gonna have to wait for a game and Horde PvP realmers that wanted a free ride to 60 are gonna have to wait for a battleground.
So they need to keep at least Horde xfers off Whitemane a bit longer than the general transfers off Whitemane to help ensure that it’s mostly horde players further reducing our population towards real faction balance.
Nah, Alliance are taking the free transfers to the overflow servers because they keep getting picked off in pvp. May their free transfer toons suffer in low pop hell. lol
For instance, I was on the STV-Ratchet boat a few times and horde priests were mc’ing single alliance players off the boat. It was equal horde and alliance players on the boat yet alliance players just stood there and didn’t engage. Sad really. So alliance players fleeing Whitemane for free transfers wouldn’t surprise me.
I transferred from Incendeus to Heartseeker because I can get into the server so rarely that my toons have not had the chance to level to a point where they could be picked offf in PVP. Sorry to dissapoint you, there’s no low pop hell. It’s only the second day of server transfers and we’re already medium at peak time. For anybody who’s contemplating going there shouldn’t worry about the population.