BFA is disappointing to say the least. The worst system by far is Azerite Armor. Shadowlands soulbind system is Azerite Armor 2.0. The current game director is a legitimate killjoy. He believes the more cumbersome/awkward ability should be the meta ability, hence a killjoy. That’s why I unsubbed. I played a lot from Cata-BFA and i unsubbed because BFA is not worth a 2nd experience and the game director is a legitmate killjoy.
See you in Shadowlands!
Cool blog, where do i subscribe?
Everyone loved Tier gear… Azerite Armor is tier gear but with more options.
Azerite is the legendary system from legion, but more so.
But Tier Gear was a matching set not a miss match of jumbled puzzle pieces to a class.
I just wanna alt again man
blah blah blah (i hate game I can’t stop playing)
I don’t see myself playing beyond bfa. What they’re doing to my favorite class and spec is disappointing. It’s the only thing that’s carrying me through now. And with twinking dead, I can’t use that as an option like I used to. More systems that make alts a no-go means I will be locked into a spec that I think is worse than before, playing an aspect of the game they have no clue about, in a buggy mess.
Just announce wotlk servers, too. That’s all there is to look forward to for me. MoP class design was my favorite but I know they’ll never eat enough crow to go that deep into the expansions for legacy servers.
Eh. Yes it’s azerite. 2.0 but I can live with that. The real change that signifies their blindness is the aoe cap. That and the deletion of multispec.
Well, hope you have fun somewhere else. It is a game after all. Also, you’ve achieved a lot, a little burnout is expected.
I personally don’t mind borrowed power. Legendaries, Artifact Power, Essences, Corruption, Conduits etc are just a way of giving your spec some new abilities & modifications without reworking the core of the spec. Would get very boring if my rotation remained exactly the same over multiple expansions.
I’ll be lurking on the sidelines for the start at least. I dont follow the development at all but I cant trust them after so many bad ideas for bfa. Prove you can do better, and I’ll Be Back.
if your claim was accurate, everyone would have loved azurite gear - but they didn’t and your claim isn’t accurate
I didn’t burnout. I even pre-ordered Shadowlands. I unsubbed due to the soulbind system and covens affecting the meta. The recent interviews of the game director have revealed he is a legitmate killjoy, hence why BFA is not as fun as Legion. It finally makes sense why it is not as fun as Legion. The guy who directed BFA and is directing SL is a killjoy. If you enjoyed BFA then play a lot of SL. I did not enjoy BFA. I was hoping SL was going to be a Legion 2.0, but Legion was directed by a non-killjoy, that’s why it was so much fun compared to BFA.
This isn’t an airport, you don’t have to announce your departures.
Good luck to you!
Sad day as we lose another.
I am sooo stealing this line!
@Paladina : That. Mog. Is. Amazing !!
More power to you! There’s a lot of good non-MMO games out there that don’t really get a lot of attention. I usually play these games in my leisure time when I’m unsubbed from WoW. If you’ve got a Steam account, two games I’d recommend are Bastion and Child of Light.