Why I think Race-Class combinations ARE important, and removing restrictions could be harmful

Ah yes. Speed is what you need for archery. Not precision. Not dexterity. Not agility. Just raw speed.

Those are just gameplay elements… Its like saying, we all res, does it mean our characters are immortal ?

NO… just a gameplay element there…

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If you’re going to use latin, please know what it means before you do. An ad hominem fallacy is when I attack you, the poster, rather than your argument. What you’re referring to is an ‘appeal to authority’ or ‘argumentum ab auctoritate’. Which is where the opinion of an authority is used to form an argument.

It’s debatable weather or not this actually even is a fallacy. No official consensus has been reached, because it really depends on the context of the argument and the individuals in question, but generally speaking, if an expert in a particular field states that X is true or Y is fiction, then in 90% of cases, X is true and Y is fiction.

Here’s a perfect example of the difference between what could be considered a fallacy and what is accurate.

If an expert of Asian studies goes and says: “In my opinion, China is going to take over the world by 2050.” and I used their opinion as an argument, that would, most likely, be a complete fallacy.

If however an expert in sword fighting says that the portrayal of large fighters in fiction is fiction because they are in truth terrifyingly agile, then that is most likely not a fallacy, especially if the expert in sword fighting trains these people for a living.

Hey, hey, hey. If I stealth as a Night Elf, and deliberately walk through someone, why can’t they detect me? I literally touched them.

Does… Does that possibly mean body mass is irrelevant?

you asked for 1… Magic can give them all that. A hunter is not doing crazy acrobatics, he is just fast.

Steady Shots

Uh, yeah, hella fast, that. Boy, lookit it go.

ye got confused, but didnt even took you long enough to figure it out by yourself

I’m all for the “Why not?” additions.

But if you can answer that question with legitimate, integral backing? They shouldn’t be playable. Like Draenei Warlocks, Lightforged Demon Hunters, Mechagnome Druids… some combinations are just so antithetical and conflicting in theme that they shouldn’t be options at all.

Again, same as the other guy…

Confusing gameplay mechanics with lore/actual story…

As i said earlier, its like confusing the fact that we dont die in the game because of gameplay, to the fact that we are immortals. We are not immortals.

Well it literally exists in game as we speak.
Shroud and Invis pots… both of which have no problems turning an 8 ft cow invisible.

Should shroud have been given to mages instead rogues? Id argue yes. But here we are.

Reality is, body size plays no part in wow. If it did, the game would look very different.

I’m not sure if you’ve played Rogues in other RPG’s but you wouldn’t be very successful trying to use stealth the way it functions in WOW…. where Rogues can literally vanish while in combat.

OK. I will ask you again because you’re so hung-up on the Agility thing.

What is the primary attribute for hunters, since ‘speed’ isn’t something recognized by the game. It has a name, and if you need, Wowpedia’s searchable.

I Actually said some like Void Elf Paladin.

Tauren Rogue one of those. But this Troll keeps going

Ooh ooh, ask me. I can justify all of it.

Again, any argument about Tauren needing agility is foolish. This can literally be trained, and Tauren monks are a thing. Ever seen a monk fight? Yeah that requires a lot of agility. If they can be monks, they can also be rogues if the only barrier you have to them existing is agility.


Tauren Rogue is not. Not only do they already exist, but the clip-clop meme has no basis in reality. Hooves are stealthy. Horseshoes are not. Tauren do not wear horseshoes.

Again… logic and lore was damned the second they add idiotic things like such. Now they’re just going a step further with the idiocy. I’ve only stated I think it’s absolutely idiotic and damns lore n logic. You stating it’s in the game already doesn’t change my opinion… blizzard could come up with some really cool story and guess what? It’d still be dumb as hell.

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Again, gameplay mechanic vs real mechanic.

And do not think for a moment that if we arrived to the conclusion that Hunter Taurens do not make sence as well, ergo would mean that Tauren Rogues would make sence.

The only logical conclusion would be that both do not make sence.

So you’re arguing that, what, Tauren should just have a -9999 to Agility at all times? Owing to what, dumb jokes about glassware shops and clip-clops?

Both of those are refuted in the real world A bull is no more likely to break anything in a shop than anyone else as long as they’re not panicked, and hooves can be very quiet when unshod.


The fact that somehow for example Hunter Taurens were stupid, or Orc Rogues as well… Do not make a case for Tauren Rogues to be in the game.

Its not like, ok, 1 stupid, 2 stupid, whats 1 more stupid to do ?

Its more like, 1 stupid, 2 stupid, will you keep putting even more stupid in the game ?

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My grandmother had a friend that had horses and you’re 100% incorrect about the stealthiness of “hooves” you hear them right away…

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