Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Yeah, Alleria got thirsty, so she drank a Dark Naruu.

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the mage trainer has been there since classic. its already been debated the SC elf portal keepers are flavor npcs(not canon) just like the ethereal and bronze dragon portal keepers. as its impossible for the city to exist in two different places/time at once

Yeahp that did in fact happen. Doesn’t mean all of em have to drain a darkened Naaru, they may just need a powerful void based entity. Plenty of those could be summoned on Telegorous.

the point is there’s more than 4 high elves in bfa
btw shes training worgen draenei and void elves. they are all standing around her. if its time sensitive, what are void elves and worgen doing there? should be gnomes dwarves and humans only if shes only really there in vanilla

the mage trainer has nothing to do with the portal keepers holding a portal open to old dalaran. elsharin is one of the few actual alliance high elves in the game. it even says {Stormwind) under her name

i know this. you said it was time sensitive and that shes been there since vanilla, and tried to apply to her the same time sensitive thing as the northrend portal or the chronomancers, as if we wouldnt still be interested in going to those places once we were level 120

Got a hard earned thirst? Don’t let those wimpy light naaru drinks tell you it’s healthy to be low carb… Go for that Dark Naaru for that full bodied and thirst quenching taste today!

void transformation may be an unhealthy side effect and we cannot be legally held reasonable for the voices in your head

At you local Grocer! Click now and get 25% off your first purchase!


Low carb diet. Good thing, the Dark Naruu also have no fat.

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I mean Guinness essentially.
Lower carb than your standard bud light, and worlds better.

You know, another way we could have avoided this whole issue is if they had designed the Void Elves to work with two forms like the worgen, one form being regular uncorrupted elves and the other the velves we have now. You know, like Alleria does. But I guess what’s done is done.

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yeah they better come up with a better idea than that. since they didnt see fit to give us alliance high elves as our voided elves, to begin with, its gonna get trickier to repair it. gonna make the story weird if they try cause alliance high elves left their own people over things like draining naaru and dangerous magic alternatives

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They’re two distinct things – and nothing you’ve cited to, thus far, is a demonstration of their being used interchangeably. :man_shrugging:

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what ‘crack squad’ of alliance high elves could they have possibly used hyper

silver covenant seems to have a few members. the accident doesnt have to be deliberate.

they are primarily a hunter organization with a few mages and everybody knows it. you think blizzard didnt consider them? farstider types wouldnt be dabbling in magic at all let alone the void. and we know im right because they didnt use the SC :ok_woman:

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This guy was about to argue that the High Elves living in Dalaran were less numerous than the squad (which is 8-14 individuals) that would become Void Elves.

Hilarious! :laughing:


Well, it is Fyre. Contradicts a lot.

Now, if everyone will excuse me, I got to find some low carb void cakes. I’m hungry.


You were present in the last thread, Fyre, when I quite literally counted every NPC that was faction-tagged to the Silver Covenant and tallied them based on the gear the were wearing – “Hunters” accounted for ~25% of the population, with the rest being split between “Rogues”, “Warriors”, and “Mages”.

So, no, you’re not right in this respect.


coulda had them go on a mission with alleria, who was herself voided and as they portalled to the location, some weird stuff happens as a result of alleria’s presence, just like the event that happens at the sunwell when alleria gets close. a void invasion starts. could have a portal incident. afterall, when we portal, we are messing with time and space and ley lines etc. void could easily interact with that.

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Hyperspace, transform back to your void form.

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