Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Yes it does.

It literally calls the orcs and humans different species. In WoW, the orcs and humans are different races.

Its interchangeable; race refers to species difference in WoW. The issue is that Blizzard decided to encompass race into being now subrace terms:

Its why Bronzebeard and Dark Irons are two different races…yet are the same race.

there’s also windrunner’s overlook in crystalsong forest, northrend. try going there as horde. well no dont, cause they’ll try to kill you. they’re quest givers at the event outside the gates of suramar in legion (neutral event). apparently you encounter then in the bfa also. dunno, i didnt play that far into bfa.

theres 4 alliance high elves in bfa. but im sure they are just representative of a massive, unseen population of alliance high elves

You’ve been doing this to me all day, friend. :man_shrugging:

One again, contradicting with using numbers as an argument, even though in the opening post, it says that in game numbers are not canon numbers.


when it comes to alliance high elves it does. if it didnt development wouldnt bring it everytime they talk about them in depth

did ya count the high elf wayfarers in the velf starting area and the 2 guardians of the northrend portal?

It would be accurate to state that Frostwolf Orcs and Stormwind Humans are different races, because they are – it is also accurate to say that Frostwolf Orcs and Stormwind Humans are different species, because they are.

The excerpt in no way implies that the two terms are used interchangeably.

It does not. The argument of “in-game numbers are not canon numbers” applies to every group, every race, etc.

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the implication is they are there to become void elves. steve danuser basically implied this as well in an interview


Did you read the excerpt? It literally says that the humans and orcs are different species, right in plain view.

implied? arent they there to study the void? why are you assuming it means they want to be turned blue with tentacles and have weird otherworldly voices in their heads


I did read it, and they are different species.

Those are just facts, and merely utilizing a term (in this case, “species”), doesn’t indicate that the intent is for the terms to be used interchangeably – just because you can plug a word into a sentence, in place of another, and it still be true doesn’t imply that the substitution is intended.

“You are a _________.”

I could plug “Pandaren”, “male”, or “chubby bear” into that space and the sentence works – that doesn’t at all suggest those terms are interchangeable.

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Because they describe two different things. What does race and species in WoW describe?

We are basically arguing over the term that D&D used to describe its different playable characters for 50 years. Its literally just a trend started from sci-fi and fantasy that has carried on. And the word race is easier to understand than species, when conveying to an audience.

As I stated though, Alleria is training them to control the void, which means, it is possible for future generations to maybe keep something of who they were before they become part of the void, such as either skin colour, or possibly hair colour, or even possibly eyes as well.


Locus-Walker and Alleria are there teaching other elves. So… basically like Alleria was trained. So they would turn out like Alleria more likely than not. So High Elf skintones and hair, void elf powers. New generations of Void Elves.

“They start out as a small group,” Danuser continues. “But it’s natural as other elves have found out about them — elves who are interested in new sources of magic, power, or opportunities — would see if they could undergo a similar process. They’re not … recruiting , necessarily, but they’re open to those who show a similar interest.”

steve danuser, senior narrative designer of WoW

oh, and the question for context was

If they come from a small group of Silvermoon Exiles, how are they an Allied Race? Where do the numbers come from?

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Because they are, Blizzard will invent numbers out of thin air.

Didn’t Alleria quite literally drain a dark Naaru to get her powers. I might be wrong but I think Velen, and the Draenei, might be against having a bunch of Naaru corrupted just so a bunch of High Elves can drain them so they can look like Alleria. That’s my thought anyways.


2 guardians in northrend portal mage tower sw, i guess guardians is wrong word. mages. there. and then there’s our high elf mage trainer, yes she trains alliance mages in sw, per lore.

regardless, there are more high elves in bfa than 4.