Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

The first book of the RPG, when they had races and subraces.

I will make a claim here: WoW dropped the subrace term to turn away from the D&D model, and make it easier to understand for people coming to the game.

someone can resume? ty

are there not one, but two fogsail freebooter leaders along with a small army helping you since vanilla and often doing so against the alliance? if so, well sure. why not?

You mean the de-canonized RPG?

You might as well just have linked someone’s blog post or that video of Asmongold smashing his head into his keyboard, they’d have more value in a discussion of canonicity. :man_shrugging:

I don’t know enough about their motivations to argue the point, but their terminological preferences haven’t resulted in clarity – quite the opposite, in fact.

In the RPG: Troll tribes are different subraces

In WoW: Troll tribes are different races (see Zandalari trolls)

I like how you ignored the rest of the quote which refuted your nonsensical application of race.
I have heard people being prideful to avoid admitting being wrong, but this is next level.

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alliance has never had a high elf army. only individuals. you are confusing the few appearances of a ‘crack squad’ of elves within the kirin tor appearing as kirin tor representatives

oh, and it doesnt matter if the SC has been standing around in dalaran since wrath, its the same damn concept

blizzard should just let me be what i want to be. a human loyal to the horde. a fogsail pirate to be exact

I like how you quoted something I said, then proceeded to not acknowledge any of it.

Anyways, the second bit of what you wrote didn’t refute anything at all – furthermore, I’m not obligated to respond to every falsehood you spew. :man_shrugging:

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Why would I quote or address arguments based on a false premise? You were lucky I deigned to entertain you at all. Anyway, bored now, going to surf random gifs for entertainment before I go to the darkness that is rest.

But… you did quote it, and then didn’t respond to it. :man_shrugging:

You’re a mess, go home.

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they’re alliance allies. lol we encounter them as a part of game play, through out the game. there’s even one in the vanilla mage tower in sw.

when you do the quest chain to go to the isle of thunder in pandaria, you ride with veressa as alliance, whereas horde go with someone else. veressa even comments how she doesnt trust the horde contingent being sent there. you go to an alliance base with kirin tor and silver covenant as your quest givers.

when you go to outlands, you do quests for them in allerian stronghold and horde players are not allowed to take those quests because the high elves of the alliance, are alliance allies.

do you have your own tents as horde with alliance high elves in it, at the argent tournament grounds in icecrown? i know some are exclusive to the faction and some are shared.

i mean be fair. its part of the alliance experience.


you literally just named all the instances you encounter high elves as alliance. so for the rest of 99.9% of the game its humans/gnomes/night elves/dwarves/draenei

I just hit reply so you wouls be notified as a courtesy. Not my fault you dont know how the forum works.

Hey, check this out!


"As the orcs began to branch out and explore the new lands, they came into immediate conflict with the human defenders of Stormwind. Though these skirmishes usually ended quickly, they did much to illustrate the weaknesses and strengths of both rival species. "

  • The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind

Even in WoW, species and race is used interchangeably

At some point, playable HE’s are going to happen – be it as their own standalone thing, are as integrated members of the Void Elves. It’s fun tagging people and saying random, unrelated stuff.

I’ll do it more often, now that you’ve shown me “how the forums work”.

This excerpt doesn’t demonstrate what you think it does.


As a stand alone thing? Nope.
Integrated into void elves by story? Sure. I support that.

Be wary tagging people without reason, thats a paddling

leaving aside lore and population and all the arguments…i cannot grasp how blizzard could possibly sell a thalassian elf model addition to the game for a third time, especially one that hasnt been altered in any way

it is just so not going to happen. its like trying to make fetch happen