Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

No, because the term they use is “ancestry.”

blue hair is cool. blue eyes also. blue robes. blue gems. but we already have a blue tentacled race (draenei). now we got two. hehe

gimme alliance half elves with elf ears, just shorter, and elf eyebrows, just shorter. and the new human customs of african, caucasian and asian faces/hair/skin colors. egads would be glroious. dont give them belf models. take that belf model and mix it with human and make it shiny.

This would only be the case if we were able to play Cursed Gilneans and non-Cursed Gilneans – as we cannot, utilizing a different term (“Worgen”) to delineate which group we’re playing, specifically, is entirely understandable.

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there are alot of humans in the game. technically, undead are humans who have passed on and been raised. worgen are humans. kul’tirans are humans. and if we can get half elves, we’ll have half human elves.

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I literally just cited to an anthropologically-focused publication, written by an esteemed Harvard alum, entitled the Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society, Volume 1.

So, uh, clearly you’re mistaken.

If you’re asking for Half-Elves thats something that I can support and believe is OK.
But I won’t support the butchery of gameplay and faction identity that High Elves are.

Because the shift to ancestry happened post-2010. Your entry is from 2008.

well my theory is that Elisande reveals that the alliance quel’dorei have diluted their elven biology by mating with humans and giving birth to half elves. there were probably just as many half elves present in her speech as there were alliance high elves, that she collectively referred to as quel’dorei, as that makes the most sense. the devs have just never chosen to depict half elves in the game, take arator for example, the half elf son of alleria and turalyon. he just has a belf model.

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defias humans are also a different race from stormwind humans :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

  1. Source?
  2. Please, for the love of all things good and just, don’t tell me this is your source:

Štrkalj, Goran; Solyali, Veli (2010). “Human Biological Variation in Anatomy Textbooks: The Role of Ancestry” Studies on Ethno-Medicine

They’re actually from Stormwind, so…

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fogsail freebooter human AR please blizzard. we want to play the humans that helped us throughout the fourth war

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How is it butchery of gameplay? You have some rightful concerns with faction identity. But it’s still going to be same keyboard function and near gutting class play.

In any case, this franchise continues to utilize the term “race” – and even if we systematically replace all instances of that word with “ancestry”, it doesn’t impact anything I’ve posited in the slightest.

In fact, because “ancestry” isn’t as ambiguous or loaded, it’d probably help my argument immensely.

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How Genetics Is Changing Our Understanding of ‘Race’ (An opinion piece written by a professor of genetics at Harvard, also has a book on said topic).

“Different differences: The use of ‘genetic ancestry’ versus race in biomedical human genetic research” (Academic piece)

" How Science and Genetics are Reshaping the Race Debate of the 21st Century" (A bit of a preachy blog post from a Ph.D candidate in Biomedical science from Harvard…BUT, the mid part about genetics is all backed by other scholarly articles and projects).

Literally “race” in WoW has nothing to do with race in RL.

Race in WoW general refers to species.

That’s fine, I agreed with it in the above post – but World of Warcraft hasn’t remained apprised of appropriate vernacular, apparently, and I sincerely doubt we’re going to be seeing “playable ancestries” anytime soon. :man_shrugging:

can i borrow your vocabulary? i love etymology and all the wordy wordiness.


I think in this case it’s best to argue that the “same race” with two identifiable groups that actually have a history and reason for being politically different to belong to separate factions.

I am okay with it, and right now high elves or Silver covenant have consistently been heavy alliance sympathizers, and often aided the alliance in various endeavors have every right to be a playable race as an allied race.

Blood elves primarily have their grievances with the alliance and found an unlikely friendship in the horde. They have fit well into their role there.

So question for people is, given what they are is it okay to have the “same” race split between two factions. I say yes.

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  1. Source?
  2. This would indicate that Stormwindians and Kul Tirans are distinct species; that Dark Iron Dwarves and Bronzebeard Dwarves are distinct species; that Orgrimmar Orcs and Mag’har Orcs are distinct species; that Gnomes and Mechagnomes are distinct species.

All confirmed, in-game, to be untrue. So…

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