Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Cool. So let me know when Blood Elves have tenticles.


can we see your armory? i guess i could just go type it in manually.

Same day void elves get natural skin

human skin colors are not the sole property of one race of elves. hehe

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In other words, you have no logical arguement to also help push the Void Elves forward with there lore, except to still be called a Cracked Elite Squad.


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thats the same day we can expect ‘normal’ skin tones for nightborne so they can look like night elves too right? :relaxed:

nightborne need more skin colors. gads they have like 4.

You are right, it isnt.
They do not, however, get something that no longer makes them what they are.

And only one face for the males

who says they all were effected exactly the same or in the same dosage of whatever… void magic i guess.

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Oh right, and you think skin colours makes a race what it is.

Firstly, we’re discussing “race” from an anthropological perspective – and you just cited to a philosophical understanding of race, from an encyclopedia of philosophy. :man_shrugging:


No, it hasn’t.

The goalpost isn’t moving, it’s merely a more complex situation owing to the fact that the playable group is primarily known by their status (i.e. Worgen) – and, owing to this, I misspoke by referring to them as Worgen.

  • The race to which the playable group belongs is “Gilnean”.
  • The species to which the playable group belongs is “human”.
  • The playable group itself, being comprised solely and exclusive of people afflicted by the Worgen Curse, are referred to colloquially as “Worgen”.

If the Forsaken weren’t so adamant about abandoning their past, they’d have a similar situation going on – but they legitimately prefer being called “Forsaken”.



The early inhabitants of America, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, and Rhodesian all come from the same point of origin – yet, all have distinct cultures and discernible differences in phenotype. :man_shrugging:

eeek. yeah nightborne got the better starting area but they need some lovin for customization

Thats basically all you guys want, because you can’t stand blue.

Because nobody asked for Blood Elves on the alliance in the first place. People have been asking for the group of High Elves, that still call themselves High Elves, to be playable on the Alliance.

In the case of void elves? Yes.
Which Ion also stated.

People have been using race for biological, and ethnicity for cultural. This isnt new. This has been a thing since the 1900s and before.

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“Alleria returns to Silvermoon in the hopes of reconnecting with her people–which sours quickly. She is permitted, however, to visit the Sunwell–which turns into a disaster as the Sunwell is sensitive to Void magic. Leaving the city, Alleria learns that a group of elves have been exiled from Silvermoon for researching Void Magic, and so she tracks down Magister Umbral and his followers.”

Exiled Blood Elves is what was given.

You say we, but you really just mean you. You are the only individual attempting to suggest the terminology WoW uses is the same as real life.
Seriously, if it were as you say, then Worgen would be called gilneans, not worgen. Heck, if it was being used as you said, them every race in the game is jist a subtype of troll or human or mushroom

One with no biological backing and one not taken seriously. Your entire argument is just one long red hereing. It has been given more attention than needed for something so incredibly shallow.

Which is why we’re talking about how physical anthropologists use the term, and not how the shift leader at Arby’s uses it.

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