Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

well look at my avatar, open it in armory. she doesnt look like a healthy blood elf. she looks sickly. this is essentially what a fair skinned velf would look like. a sick elf with smeared eye makeup

Well, lets see, how many times has Blizzard changed the lore? Ugh, too many times

But the fact is, it isn’t changing the lore to seek in recruiting the High Elves into joining them in there cause to be part of the Void Elves. After all, as I mentioned, Alleria is supposed to be training them, considering she couldn’t save the current group of Void Elves from the transformations as they were transformed before they can be taught to control the new found void powers within them.

Oh wait, is that still taking away from the Blood Elves to all the Anti’s?

That is due to shaders

I also think the topic of helf customization for void elves does go against the point of the Helf megathread and the views expressed there.

just saying, if they gave velfs human skin colors, they’d still look goth and like they were just dragged outta the lake where they drowned.

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Oh Hyperspace, I love your Gothic look.

At this point why not just admit all you want is Blood Elves with blue eyes on the Alliance?

your avatar just looks like a void elf standing in front of a fire, or any bright source of light

that option is already available to you with blood elf DK

When are people going to admit that nobody is asking for Blood Elves on the Alliance.

well thank you but gads… let me show ya the difference. one sec. brb

But you are.

We’re not. We’re asking for the group of High Elves, that call themselves High Elves, that are already on the Alliance, to be playable.


Speak for yourself, please.
You’re asking for Void Elves to look exactly like Blood Elves.

OMG, you’re really ignoring everything everyone has been saying, have you.


Sara, its not that, its that from that design perspective they are the same. Ion was clear about it when he explained void elves over high elves.

this is my belf. she looks entirely different than my velf, and using the same staff fx.

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See, High Elf customisations on a Void Elf can actually still look different from a Blood Elf. Something which some people are willing to ignore, because they think we’re asking for Blood Elves.

And yet, still looks amazing.

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That is where I started talking about High Elf customisations for Void Elves. Even just keeping the Void Elves to there gothic looks (Dark Hair, gloomy apperance, keeping there same hair styles/colours) doesn’t mean that people are asking to look like Blood Elves on Alliance.

Only thing will be they’ll have human skin colour options


Which means they’re just blood elves with different racials and not void elves anymore.

an old friend answered this the best imo. so i will just link to her post

but i will add that what you are actually saying is that there is an equivalence between alliance high elves and blood elves. when really alliance high elves are what they seem to be, relics reflective of the tiny number of thalassian elves that did not remain with their people as they joined the horde and sought refuge in dalaran under vereesa and formed the SC(which is still a tiny militia). adding weight and gravitas to the overall story is fine, but extrapolating that to becoming playable is where i, and apparently development, draw the line. we need alliance high elves as much as we need horde humans

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