Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

well now let’s not be hasty. so who says belf so and so doesnt occassionally fall in love with half elf so and so and now ya got another generation. and not all helfs are gone either. this is how it works in reality. some half white half black couples have kids who marry whites or blacks. and some marry other half white half blacks, and etc.

i thought you were a supporter of alliance half elves?


haha, fair enough

This isnt an rp realm. Half elves have been shown off as being rare by Blizzard…to where there is very few of them even in game.

This is a Role Playing Game though.

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That still doesn’t change the indisputable fact they’re still literally the same race. I could state “Give the Horde the Defias Brotherhood. They’re not human, they’ve renounced that name and called themselves Defias.” but they are in fact, still human.

See the above, for the evident towards the argument.

And there is clear LORE in a ROLE PLAYING GAME.


if you dont think they are then what are you arguing for exactly

ah but the rest of my argument presumes that Elisande let the cat outta the bag, that the quel’dorei of the alliance are mostly diluted (with humans) bloodlines, and the devs have just never bothered to make the models necessary to show the difference. as an example, i offer arator, the half elf son of alleria and turalyon, who is just using a belf model

You claimed that I have said High Elves are an Alliance race. So, c’mon, quote the exact post where I have said High Elves are an Alliance race.

Doesnt mean anything until it happens. They are still considered VERY rare, since the last time it was brought up was Before the Storm.

if you dont think they are an alliance race then what are you doing here

So, what about High Elven customisations on Void Elves then?

If Alleria is training more, then it is fairly possible that the new recruits can possibly keep there old looks.

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I have no issue with that, its just I really doubt void elves are gonna get anything.

as likely as night elf customization for nightborne i reckon

Well, Blizzard should stop ignoring the Allied Races, considering that they all need a bit of love when it comes to Customisations. Well, except for Vulpera and Mechagnomes. They have a ton of Customisations, but AR’s like Nightborne, Void Elves, HM Tauren and LF Space Goats need more customisations.

You sir, are correct. i hope they give us half elves and allow us to make african or asian, as well as caucasian half elves. i’d make an asian half elf in a heartbeat and an african one too and a caucasian one. while i’m at it (mwahaha), i’d like the following for this half elf race:

optional hair colors - pink, teal, kalec blue (see kalec’s half elf), white, silver, black, and blonde.

optional hair styles - alliance based hair styles, except i’d like the orc female braid that goes down past their butt but in asian style. and i’d love the curly wrathion look too.

skin colors - same as humans, including asian, caucasian and african skin colors

not picky, honest. hehe

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how do you ignore something thats brand new and tied into the current expansion? also youll be waiting at least 5 years :slightly_smiling_face:


they gotta let mechas mog their legs. just leave the arms robotic.

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That too. All the Allied Races need some lovin one way or another.

It’s all besides the original point, anyways, which was the the term “race” isn’t being utilized correctly by almost every detractor herein – and that by looking to the synonyms most often utilized in the field of anthropology, “breed” or “type”, it’s quite apparent that BE’s and HE’s are unique races onto themselves, but both belong to the same species.

I’ve got no idea what you’re attempting to ask. Try again.

Anthropologically, even if there wasn’t a curse, the Gilneans would qualify as a unique race – what I would suggest is you actually pick up a book about anthropology, and learn how the actual word “race” is to be utilized.

(Note: The majority of the groups that we today refer to as “nationalities” are, anthropologically, “races”.)

If we were employing the anthropological understanding of biology, their race would be Gilnean and their species would be human. The fact that they’re cursed is irrelevant, and serve only as an additional point of distinction between them and other humans.