Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

And Im asking, does by that (if he cannot) mean that you believe that high elves are a Horde race?

The rangers seem to think of them more as giant violent raccoons >.>

I am not going to claim either to either.

heres another picture for comparison of skin tones :relaxed:


/laughs till she has coughing fit

thanks i needed some oxygen. lol

“I like to claim that someone is saying that High Elves are an Alliance race without any actual proof then try and move away from that”

So are Blood Elves, Horde then?

A huge percentage of the people who are opposed to playable High Elves, no matter the form they take, are only present in this thread (and others like it) to stir the pot – if you’re expecting that their positions are consistent, or that they will conduct themselves with integrity, you’ve got it all wrong.

If any piece of information allows them to perpetuate the notion that playable High Elves will, with an absolute certainty, bring an end to the Horde as a functioning organization it is valuable – but that same piece of information shall not be applied to any argument in favor of High Elves, or else.

They’re like vermin, and they’ll disappear into the woodwork someday when High Elves become available (whether that is through integration into Void Elves, or as something entirely unique onto themselves).


They glow.

They don’t. If you color pick the lighest BE skin and the lighrst HE skin, they’re the exact same.

Nah, Ill still be here.

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Wild horses that deal with a lot of humans and know how to open bags and coolers (I have seen them digging through a woman’s beach bag on the beach)

Best part, over the summer at one of the parking lot areas a group of like 6 of them were checking out all the humans and not paying attention to the rule about how they aren’t supposed to go closer than 40 feet to humans, so the one ranger gets called out to move them. And I wish I got a picture. He got out of his truck with a squirt bottle to shoo them along

yeah they’d need to differentiate them more for sure. half elves is the answer.



its rough sailing, for sure. been there, done that. have my twelve fav arguments and just go with those.

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Oh, I will be. I know that there is High Elves on the Alliance, and they don’t call themselves Blood Elves, and that it is the group that people have been asking for.


You dont always get what you want.

they did. they came up with void corrupted high elves hyper. i suspect half elves will face the same problems as alliance high elves. too few, stepping on the toes of void elves as the playable alliance high elf. yea void elves are a thing now and a much bigger obstacle imo. half elves would also be viable for a single generation, as with each new generation they will appear more and more human. finally fading away which is the destiny of the alliance high elves

Its bait since she is hoping to get flagged and get the thread closed. :man_shrugging:

People often are what they accuse others of being.

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Alliance want a High Elf? They should make a ‘Void-Elf Death-Knight’ !

Why, might you ask?
– With the Void Elves, it’s known that the Death Knights use shadowy / void-like magics with their practices; one could state that ‘ Void-Elf Death-Knights ’ are actually ‘High Elf Death Knights’ who merely mastered the Shadowy-attributes amongst their class better than the rest.

– Their skin colour is merely an affix of being elevated in undeath, their eyes are shining blue - and the aspects of the Void is their mastery flowing through them.

I am still waiting for the one quote of a post of mine where you think I claimed that High Elves are an Alliance race.