Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

so…you’re trying to use game design, and description of abilities, to suggest that Worgen’s are a different race by using the etymological term. Even though said etymological term of race, is one that does not exist from a biological perpective.

Even though there is an entire comic called Curse of the Worgen which states the Worgen are cursed, and this curse originates from a forbidden form used by a druidic sect.

Playable Worgens are Gilnean humans if we are to go by the etymology of race.
Worgen, in themselves, however is a cursed druidic form per the comic.

Tl;dr: There is a comic regarding Worgen and it states Worgen are a cursed form not a race.

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owww. slam dunk!

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Numbers don’t matter to those opposed to High elves.
Numbers matter, seemingly, to the devs.

It’s so scary to see someone so disconnected from reality like Fyre, wherein the OP of an ANTI thread is against her on her views. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


People can not have the same views as another and be part of the same group.


Extremists don’t believe in such a thing.

all void elves prove is that to be an AR there must be some distinction. there is none between blood/alliance high elves besides a political opinion which is completely worthless in a faction based game :clap: :clap: :clap:

Forsaken are undead humans but considered a different race, when death knights dont have this issue and are technically also can be undead humans.

The term “race” in WoW can mean anything, and thats literally been proven with core races.

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Essentially, but Fyorsing wishes to go by the literal term, which, has no basis to it.

Yea, there is literally no exact basis to what a race is in WoW.

Right. So shall we start with the eyes first, how Blood Elves eyes glow while High Elves eyes don’t? Or shall we also start with the skin, how High Elves have also far lighter skin than the High Elves?

And also, quote one post where I have specifically said High Elves are an Alliance race.

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stares at high elves since Legion

Ah, so went to the store with an unplanned stop by a nat’l park, let’s see.

Wait, this nonsense is still going on.

Lookout Horse is not amused by these shenanigans.

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they share the same skin tones



oh he’s beautiful!

Also , c’mon, quote one post of mine where I have specifically said that High Elves are an Alliance race.

So does that mean its a Horde race then?

I’m like the envy of all the people I know who really liked horses as little girls. I just took that pic today at Assateague National Seashore, which is right next door I believe to Chincoteague Island

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I am waiting for him to prove something that he can’t even reply with.

really, look at the wisdom on his face. gorgeous.