Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer



This is based on your opinion, not on anything provable.

Eye colours changes from Fel Radation is now an opinion.

that applies to all high elves

  • The first image demonstrates that Blizzard refers all players to a page titled “Races”, in order to see what they might play as.

  • The second image creates the implication that all of the listings to follow are a part of the “large variety of races” mentioned in the first sentence.

  • The third image uses the phrase “Worgen relish this form of travel over those used by Azeroth’s other races,”, implying that they themselves a unique racial grouping.

  • The fourth image is illustrating that Blizzard refers to all of the playable options not introduced as Allied Races as “Core Races”.

  • The fifth image shows you the starting spellbook, wherein you can see the ability Running Wild is described as a Racial Passive.

That was what I came up with in about 5 minutes, imagine what I could find in an hour.

In any case, the problem here is isn’t Blizzard or the terminology they employ – the problem is a societal misunderstanding of what the word “race” means, and an inability to utilize the term properly in the context of physical anthropology.

And when something is one thing, and then becomes another, what’s a really short and simple word that people use to describe that process?

Oh, that’s right, a “change”.

You’ve got links to these alleged Stormwind Humans or Gilneas Humans that utilize the new model, then, I presume?

(I already know the answer, just want you to concede the point for all to see.)

For the same reason Kul Tirans received a unique model, despite being the same species as all of the other humans. You also just stated, not two paragraphs back, that the Kul Tirans aren’t subjected to different selection pressures – meaning that they, like BE’s and HE’s in your example, have the same lifestyle.

You’re all over the place.


According to whom?

  1. Not according to Blizzard (see. Mag’har Orcs).
  2. If you turned green, because you were exposed to magic wielded by demons, then yes.

As an aside, and this is aimed at the other thread-goers, has anybody else noticed that anti-HE posters really enjoy likening major things to trivial things?

  • It isn’t slaughtering thousands of innocent creatures, it’s “choosing a turkey sandwich over a PB&J”.

  • It isn’t being altered, sometimes forcibly and violently, by Fel energy… it’s suntanning.

It’s positively ludicrous.


citation for which part ? well my position on it is, Elisande let the cat outta the bag, the alliance high elves are actually diluted bloodlines, and not high elves in the original concept of a quel’dorei. you as a belf would be more quel’dorei, than an alliance high elf. the devs just never bothered to render half elves with a different appearance (witness arator, the half elf son of alleria and turalyon)

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And we found yet another person that doesn’t actually understand what the word “race” means, or how to properly utilize it. That didn’t take long.


ALL of it. that the green glint is a permanent scar and that using fel to rebuild and hold the city together led to an inability to embrace the light

The exposure to fel didn’t change them. The fel crystals affected their eye color from excess exposure…sort of like a sun tan from too much sun. But now they drink from a purified Sunwell along with every single high elf that doesn’t identify as a blood elf (and isn’t yet a void elf). And no more fel crystals around.


So weird.
This effort to find a difference where there is none is just grasping at straws.
Blood Elves are High elves with a different name. That’s the basic fact.

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Yeah, no. Nice try Fyre. But nope.


withered were biologically changed by overuse of magic. are you telling me that belfs addiction to magic, paired with proximity to powerful radiating fel crystals and the corruption of the sunwell, had no biological effects on belfs?

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It did what to their eyes?

Nothing. They’re golden now.

Unless we’re talking temporary effects. You know, the part you didn’t quote.

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I always thought it was referencing the Sunwell. As they most likely saw the Sunwell as the soul of their nation. With it’s destruction the soul of their nation was gone, leaving them soulless in a metaphorical way. Although I’m all in for them actually not having souls. Blizzard just needs to make us immune to ant magic that effects the soul. Then I can say I’m both heartless, and soulless.

haha i think the naaru restored their sols, yours too. :sunglasses:

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I’m shocked that someone opposed to High Elves would make such a disingenuous post.

Oh, wait, no I’m not… :laughing:


:thinking: Actually, you’re right. It never occured to me like that

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Darn those Naaru’s always ruining a good thing.

I don’t oppose high elves in the least bit. I wouldn’t play as one if I did! Plus…there’s nothing disingenuous about what I said. This is the lore. Eye color shift from crystals, eye color shifted since then.

I compared it to a sun tan since it’s temporary. Does your race change from exposure to the sun when your skin darkens?

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