Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Hope you’re doing well hyper :hugs: I keep going back and forth between Zandalari Druid, BE Warlock, or BE Hunter to level and it is making me dizzy too :upside_down_face:

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Completely and utterly irrelevant from a game design view. From that view, they are the same thing. So yes, I am playing the thing you want. On the Horde.

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That says quite a bit about you if you believe it to be true. Nothing good either.

I fail to see the need for you to clutch your pearls Kizzan.

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Didn’t anyone ever tell you, you’re not playing the race as a whole, but only a faction out of that race?


Thanks for consistently and continually proving me right about you and your “arguments” Broflake, sweetheart :kissing_heart:.

For the record, keep pretending using my alts name is a sort of gotcha, when the only people it matters to are your ilk and I’m not the one who’s been on 3 different alts in 2 months :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.


cant be if i just proved it. haha.


Which is a lore matter. Gameplay design wise, that character you created is of that race and of the design the devs made.

I think its a little creepy how you’ve been using such references towards me.

You complain about this, but call me broflake all the time. If you don’t like it Kizzan, don’t do it? Fact of the matter is that is the name I know you by. Just as I call Fyorsing, Fyorsing.

Hyper…the devs stated flatly it is them manifesting magic.
Just like you brown when you tan, their eyes glow based o the magic they are being affected by.

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hunter hunter. be hunter. fun. well i havent played a male be hunter. i love male belf casting animations, though. especially their healing animations. cant help as regards their locks, cause i dont remember their lock spell animations. zandas are cool looking.

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right and magic use must effect user biologically or else they wouldnt wither from overuse of it.

People have been requesting to play a group that are with them, but according to you, it is against gameplay design, despite they keep getting added nearly every expansion.

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I think they meant it metaphorically. There’s nothing else to suggest that Blizzard meant they literally lost their souls.


That’s true. But as I said, I am all confused on what Blizzard really meant by “they lost there souls”

Hehe thanks I keep this circular argument with myself, its gonna be my new Horde main, I want it to be a Sylvanas loyalist, but I can head canon myself any which way I want to make it work, hunter mogs I keep seeing just look so good!

Love that you’re still glowing hehe, anyways I am off, I have to get ready I am craving Din Tai Fung for dinner so meeting up with some friends, just wanted to say hi since I saw you comment! still supporting the HE / Half Elf movement hehe :blue_heart:


Complain? Hardly, just pointing out to the world here the consistent and shady demeanor of the anti side towards this topic, that You and Fyre have consistently showed by alt-hopping when people catch on to you.

You believe you can be trusted with how dishonest you’ve consistently proven to be?

That’s even besides blatently ignoring lore-nuance. :tipping_hand_man:


its a time related phenom. once the naaru fixed the sunwell, all was set right. but before that, it says they actually couldnt embrace the light and just saw it as something to manipulate (tap it, perhaps). it was illidan’s teachings and as we all know, illidan had ulterior motives

the delusion reaches new heights it would seem. blood/alliance high elves are the exact same group divided by a political opinion. there is no difference besides that. eye color cannot be used as a cloak for helfer fanfiction differentiation as high elf color reflects their affinity to a type of magic, or the amount of ambient magic they are exposed to the most. if dalaran was irradiated with fel by some event, the neutral high elf population would also manifest a green glint. even the game director said eye color cannot be used for differentiation :slightly_smiling_face:

You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstriders, chances are, if you were a high elf in Quel’Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green.

that divide also does not imply some kind of equivalence. as alliance high elves are a few individuals, the majority of ‘high’ elves are tied up with dalaran. and when you think about it, it makes sense to revert back to ‘high’ elf in a city where humans are the vast majority :tipping_hand_woman:

saying high elves are an alliance race is also a delusion. blood elves are high elves who represent the high elf kingdom and well over 90% of the race, so saying high elves are alliance means blood elves are alliance. alliance has a few individuals, you can go to stormwind and count all the high elves on 1 hand minus 3 fingers :joy:

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This seems a more reasonable explanation to me.

I mean, if you get hit with enough radiation your DNA unravels and you technically aren’t human anymore before you melt into sludge. Let’s not go to the extremes.

That doesn’t make it against game design.

Reference to them changing after the destruction they went through, and then their sunsequent redemption where they went back to who they were.

Oh hey Kizzan posted.

nopers. they cant be identical, though they are the same race. those who were in proximity to fel radiation were changed by it. it temporarily caused them to lose their ability to embrace the light. the changes were mostly healed but to suggest they’d be biologically identical, is similar to saying a guy with scars from chicken pox is biologically identical to a guy who didnt have chicken pox. its a small change, it doesnt make them a different race, but it was enough to effect them biologically.

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if they werent identical then you wouldnt have gotten void corrupted high elves. if you could provide a citation that would be nice as well

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