Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Willingness to seek opinion on ones argument is an open ended argument demonstrative of a person who is adaptable and open minded, and you would berate someone who wants feedback? Sara’s arguments are always sound and many people here have great lore points to make on both sides

Shhh. They can say I have bad arguments, but then it means they have bad arguments too.

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Thanks, Hyper :slight_smile:

Oh god, I should’ve named my BE’s, soulless.

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My favorite BE name I’ve seen is someone who got the name Sylvanas and I both admire and envy them

no problemo. presumably, they reacquired their souls when the naaru cleansed the sunwell. i say presumably because i have no idea what the devs thought a soul was, at that point. i get the impression its like “sol” the latin word for “sun”, so the sunwell could be restated the solwell. theoretically.

well till the end of tbc, then i guess that condition was repaired by a naaru.

Possibly, but there hasn’t really been any word on that actually ever since.

To be honest, I didn’t even knew that the devs said that the Blood Elves even lost there souls.

And you’d be 98% wrong.

Those Fel-colored eyes just sprang up out of nowhere, am I right?

Per the game, it did. They’re big and strong because living in Kul Tiras rewarded being big and strong.

This is what every person who has ever requested that High Elves be given a new model has stated, almost verbatim. So, thanks for bringing attention to the fact that:

  1. It’s entirely reasonable to request that HE’s simply be given a model that is completely unique from the BE’s, and…
  2. That this is something Blizzard has already done, and it went swimmingly.

Uh, because the Frostwolf Orcs that we play as were changed? You legitimately got held up by this? :thinking:




Hey Murg, I know you own Avaries heart, but I stole this heart out of a soulless person, and I thought it would be nice for you to keep it.

well they lost their sunwell, or their solwell. ya never know what the devs mean when they say sol, whether its soul or sol. and since it appears to be related to their ability/inability to embrace the light, i think in this case the solwell/sunwell is like a giant priest lightwell that has the added perk of being an interdimensional arcane portal. lol

I fail to see the need for insults. Particularly for insults which appear to be projection. After all, I am playing the race you’ve wanted for 15 years.

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Is that where that went?

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Hmmm :thinking:

I think they might of meant the Soul as if in Souls. Honestly though, I am actually confused by what they were really refering too myself.

Ya. I got more in the back.

Nobody is asking for Blood Elves on the Alliance. People have been asking for the High Elves that have been with the Alliance long before Blood Elves were made playable on the Horde.

EDIT: Type right Sara.


well i think a wow soulwell is like that thing warlocks summon and appears to be fel corrupted (before ya say it: yeah i know. consistency is out the window where locks are concerned).

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Well, Demon Hunters have no souls and Warlocks doesn’t have a soul to give, and BE has both, so…

wheee. /looks dizzy

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Could you provide a citation? All information I find, indicates that it is a magical curse that can be passed to both night elves and Worgen. In fact, that the Worgen curse is closer to a form that night elf druids forbid from usage.

Per the devs, it is just a manifestation of the magic they use.
Game says the same thing.

Per the devs, it didn’t. The kul tiran appearance is not unique to them. Which is also why the proudmoore males who are kul tiran, do not have the big giant body.
A muscular body involves working out.
Stormwind humans can’t work out based on your logic.

Hey now, don’t go running off on a red herring just because you have a hard time acknowledging you were incorrect.
Now I will address your red herring as a separate, unrelated matter.

  1. Why would it be unique to the high elves when the high elves and blood elves are the same people from the same region and kingdom as well as the same lifestyles? Why would the high elves, a people who have been portrayed in this fashion for decades, over night, suddenly be different in their design? Why would this design not be reflected in blood elves as well?

  2. Kul Tirans are on the same faction as the Stormwind Humans. Your request for a new model is to take an existing race, create a new model, and put it on the opposing faction. This results in the Alliance having 2 versions to the Horde 1 of a core race.
    That is an inherent flaw. We have gone over this before, so I am sure you’ll ignore it or try to dismiss it per usual.

A green orc is the exact same as a brown orc. If I get a tan, are you suggesting I am a different type of human?
Some humans also tan much more easily, are they a different type of human?

Head canon.

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Is it insults if it’s the truth? :thinking:

Your trolling on consistently choosing to ignore what we actually want, only shows the anti sides shallow foundations. :kissing_heart: