Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Nah, my biggest complaint is DiD are the only race we requested of the ones we got. My other issue is the lore for the alliance ars.


We’ve actually been complaining that they’re never what we asked for, people wanted Broken Draenei, they gave Lightforged out of nowhere, We wanted High Elves, they gave us blue Blood Elves, we wanted robot gnomes they gave us diaper gnomes, we wanted Vrykul, we got fat humans.

Don’t pretend it’s one thing when it isn’t Broflake, if blizzard listened to Alliance requests like they did to every single Horde request, none of us would be here.


I can agree with you to an extent. There were other races which the Alliance could have received. The problem with the high elf request is it exists through the Horde. Sethrak? I’d be down for it. The Alliance needsmore variation, not less.

Horde wanted ogres.
They receive Tauren with antlers

high elves are playable on the Horde. They were never going to give you copy of the existing Horde race.

Shame really, I agree they screwed the pooch there.
To be fair, Horde received a very lazy re-sin through maghar just as you received re-skins of Dranei. Many were dissatisfied.

I mean…its a strong man build…not a fat human…but I guess you’re upset you cannot fantasize about them as easily as you can high elves.

Except they didn’t listen to every single Horde request.

Mag’har orcs as a customization option.
What was received? Mag’har orcs as a racial slot with bad racials, and a bad lore storyline.
HM tauren? Not asked for.

Straight backed trolls? Given through the Zandalari while the Darkspear still suffer back problems.

Nightborne? A disaster.

I don’t understand how so many alliance players can say such things and believe them to be true. Sorry, horde didn’t get everything they wanted. Everyone gets smacked by Blizzard because they’re not good at doing things as people thought.

Oh no, you got the exact thing you asked for just not in the convenient way you wanted it?

Poor baby


You…do realize that applies to Void Elves…right?
Got what you wanted…just in blue…



Not at all, I knew you’d say that, predictable.

You think just because you umbrella term the elves under “High elf”, that it makes you right?

You understand groups matter yeah? Void Elves are literally blue Blood Elves, not even remotely the High Elves we’ve always been asking for.

So no, not at all “Exactly” what we asked for, unlike the Horde.

Please stop pretending you know or have known anything Alliance players want, you’ve more than shown your hard bias.


If I wanted blood elves to switch to alliance., I’d play a void elf.


So you agree with me? The complaints those have regarding maghar are just as valid as those you have for void elves. OH wait, you don’t, so let me fix a few things for you.

Here is your complaint about void elves

  1. Blue not pale
  2. Bad lore.
  3. Not the group you wanted

Horde complaint about maghar

  1. Bad lore
  2. Not the group of mag’har they wanted

Of course, you say “well they look like mag’har so it counts as getting what you want”, which, implies its about looks for you. If it wasn’t, you’d understand the Horde complaints. I know you won’t see the logic since you’re emotionally invested but hopefully you will.

Sure I do. You want a pale pretty elf. Story doesn’t matter like you claim.
If story meant something, you’d like the Kul tirans more, but you call them fat humans despite having a rich lore.

Going to get some stuff done while you spite yourself further.


This is why I play a VE, my PRO Sylvanas loyalties my character has makes sense this way.

But to people who want HE’s I know the VE model matters literally 0 and its the lore that we want that pertains to HE’s…

Sorry, you believe time displacement makes your Mag’har not literally your orcs, just from a different point in time? More over comparing apples to oranges as you always do.

Once again as you usually do, you fail to recognize the nuance between “Our group of High Elves” and “ Horde Blood Elves and Blue Blood Elves”.

Adorable as always Broflake, let me know when you wanna stop the neckbeard gamer salt, or don’t, you’re not worth anyone’s time discussing anything with, you’ve more than shown how much nuance and actual requests you’re willing to ignore to try and pass off your points. :tipping_hand_woman:


Love will always conquer hate.

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None of my belves support her and any belves I’ve made are just placeholders for names.


I am just waiting until Fyre comes in here and claims that the Anti’s have ways to shut down the Pro’s arguments.


the tbc devs said the blood elves had lost their souls, as it were. they couldnt embrace the light.

at the time the sunwell was still corrupted and a big fel crystal was right inside silvermoon and several in the starting area, irradiating them.

it wasnt until the naaru cleansed it, that the sunwell began to radiate light and arcane. the blood elves started reverting back to a arcane based magic race who could once again access the light. so the fel evolved them, just not as dramatically as the nightborne, and the light redeemed them.


That’s gold coming from you.
Considering you had to ask out if your arguments are good.

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Shame on you and your 3 supporters.


I see where they said they lost their faith…but what’s the timestamp where they say they lost their souls? One of those things is nothing like the other.

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gimme a sec, have to go thru the whole video.

It’s a simple fact that in all the High Elf threads nobody has put a beard on either the males or females. This means it will never happen…hic!

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thats the time stamp