Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Neither are Kul Tirans humans to humans, yet have a completely different model than they do.

Supposedly, Kul Tiran humans are more “drust-human” than human and that’s why they look different.

Same could easily be done with High Elves who have had 30 years of a different lifestyle than Blood Elves have, whereas Blood Elves are seen more as magic-oriented and city dwelling, High Elves are considered more nomadic-ranger and lodge dwelling, both to varying degrees obviously.

It’s all about where a story takes a group or race.


High elves NPCs are already training with void elves lol. High elves didn’t want to kill animals in a cruel way, that’s different from training void powers.

Oh definitely. Just changing their stance does A LOT of difference as evidenced by female nightborne and night elves.


Yeah, and it’s stupid, but those High Elf NPC’s don’t matter to the plot so they can be ignored. If they were important and being hypocrites, that would a problem.

I’d take them as well. I’m definitely more invested in sethrak but I really want something relatively unique.

That said I still support high elves, though I lean more towards a scenario for high elves to become void elves and be done with it.


Is not hypocrisy, training with the void is just not the same as mana draining living beings at all.

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You know, that is a good point, training with the void is just not the same as draining void out of an artifact. Those High Elves don’t matter to the story, or this argument.

This would be so monumentally different model wise for the Alliance that it’s painful to think they’re being used and tossed aside in one expansion, they’re easily up there with High Elves for me, whereas High Elves have history and story-in-game, Sethrak have a fantastic and unique model.


I would take something with a history and in-game story first before looking at something new.


Which is why I’m here and not over there with all the snake nerds in their snake nerd thread.


It really is baffling that Blizzard decided to modify two races to such high extent so they are part of the Horde story and then leave one as NPCs (specially when Sethrak didn’t need to exist, they could’ve been trolls and nothing changed) yet they decided to just put humans on the Alliance side so there was no way for us to get a new race.


I don’t even blame Kul Tiran Humans for that slot, I utterly and completely blame Mechagnomes for using up that spot, even against the mountains of negative outcry both factions gave to their revelation.


Sethrak, Botani, Mantid, Jinyuu, Quilboar, Gnolls, Ethereasls and Firbolg. Next expansion there will be Necrolords, Vanthyr, Night Fae and those glowing celestial fellows. There are so many different interesting models and races with stories yet to be told and cultures to be discovered. Still, there are multiple thousand post threads about the most redundant and over exposed option available.

It’s actually more like fifteen years. The Chronicles established that the Third War started in year 20, and according to Anduin’s age established in the Before the Storm book, we’re somewhere around year 33-36. It’s dumb, but the timeline in WoW doesn’t match up to the length in real-time.

Even if it was thirty years, I don’t think even elves adapt that fast. The Zandalari are from a different Troll nation that has existed for thousands of years, so having some physical differences there makes sense. Kul’Tirans are pretty similar to that if the idea is that they have more Drust in them, although from what we see in Kul’Tiras zones, most Kul’Tirans are actually normal humans.

Popularity is relative my dude, there’s hundreds of fascinating and interesting races in WoW, yet the most highly requested ones for the Alliance are High Elf and Sethrak, people want what people want, there’s no harm in this.

Doesn’t mean they can’t address player requests before moving on to other races, just because it’s unpopular for you doesn’t mean it’s unpopular for a majority.

You’re allowed your tastes.


Void elves became “different enough” to become an AR after a quest line, one quest line.

And are playable, and are essentially blue Blood Elves, like I said, it can all be worked out through story.

The difference is High Elves have had story in WoW, Void Elves havent, even when given the perfect opportunity to do so this patch.


But they’re not a different model.

Which is why I’m actually in favor of High Elves! I just don’t think they should get their own model.

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I don’t think High elves would be as popular as people think.

Pandaren used to be as requested as High elves years ago, we know how that went.

There’s a group of fans who totally want high elves sure, and they would be another pretty elf but they would mostly just cannibalize the velf audience and some more. IMO.

Kul’tirans are just humans with no genetic differences according to devs. They just wanted a different human model for world diversity.

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Sure. I get that not every decision that will be made in game development will be one I agree with. Currently I agree with the prevailing wisdom that High Elves in their unaltered form would be a wasted racial slot but Blizzard could easily change their mind.

Meanwhile, I’m going to keep hoping that we see unique and interesting races added to the game.

To be honest at first I was a-ok with a carbon copy of the Blood Elf model, but that heavily steps on the toes of Blood Elf players.

In reality it doesn’t really matter, especially now with us literally having their Blood Elf model.

But if it allowed Blizzard more room to add High Elves, I’m all for a change.

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Alliance complains they keep getting minorly tweaked version of existing race as their AR, like LFD, Kul tirans, Mechagnomes.

What they want is a minorly tweaked version of a Horde race. :roll_eyes: