Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Or, we don’t due to the inherent gameplay design issues they present.

Of course, Blizzard surely never thought of giving a different model. They don’t have departments figuring out the psychological behaviors of their consumers. /s

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I would be happy with this actually.

Even in the game, they are recognized as two different groups. Having a slightly different model won’t be a game play issue.

Mmm? Gameplay issues? Do tell.

You complain you don’t know how we got here, and its obvious. You only see what you want to see.

That is not what I am referring.

Still waiting on the issue, for once you might actually be on to something besides obtuse bull Broflake, don’t skimp out on a valid discussion point now :cry::cry::cry:.

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I’ve brought it up to you before dudette and I don’t quite feel like explaining it to you all over again. Ask Leinadh, or Callistus. You know, people you listen to because they agree with you on high elves. 8D


Thought so, guess there isn’t an issue.

But I mean why would there be, it worked fine with Zandalari and Kul Tirans, no reason the same can’t be done with High Elves. :man_shrugging:

Unless Broflake was somehow biased



Do some critical thinking and consider why it would be different and an issue.

That word does not means what you think it means.

Btw, still not playing BFA because high elves aren’t there while playing Classic where high elves also aren’t present?

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Cezol is level 120 he has played BFA…

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That’s fine. I know not everyone likes em. :stuck_out_tongue:
I think given the polls I’ve seen its more a matter of then being more recent than necessarily more popular overall. :smiley:

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I don’t want High elves because it would be another recolor for us when we already have superior goth elves.

But the arguments people bring against them are idiotic TBH.


Why would I need to?

Seems it’s up to you to backup your claim if it’s anything other than creating non-existent goal posts to back up your non-issue.

I’ll be over here wondering how a new model for High Elves could possibly collapse World of Warcraft as a whole.

You know…unles it just collapses your world of warcraft.

Imagine that, personal feelings…

Don’t worry, gamerdudetalk is Broflakes way of deflecting when he has nothing substantial to present, because if I’m not mythic raiding it somehow invalidates the request :tipping_hand_woman:


Actually, I wish the Jinyu or the Ankoan would be a Allied Race.

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This was my stance too and my opinion of the arguments against them, but I ended up supporting them because of all the amazing and intelligent arguments in favor that was evident people would love to play as them and have the lore to RP their characters. And as someone who loves VEs I want that for them too.

Also I love your guild name!

Less blind defense on someone who says they are not playing BFA currently.

Just making conversation actually. Seems a shame to have a subscription and not use it entirely.

That’s projections on your part bud.

I don’t think that would be a good idea. High Elves aren’t separated enough from Blood Elves to justify a different model. It adds some distinction between them sure, but lore-wise it doesn’t make any sense.

With the Void Elf situation, I think Blizzard can give the Alliance what would essentially be a Blood Elf clone and things would be fine.

They don’t have to be a recolor, I’m one of the first pro high elf people to vouch for a differentiating model so our sensitive Blood Elf friends don’t cry themselves to sleep at night over losing nothing.

And yet they already did, didn’t they?

Smart thinking, but how to make them different? I mean, since they’re on the opposite faction they’ll have to have the same height and general build, otherwise one group would be rightfully pissed that they were getting the bargain version.

So if we can’t change their build, could we perhaps make them a different color? And then devise some sort of convoluted back story to both explain their new color while also giving them a unique set of powers to make them different?

There’s one thing that people need to understand though. Void elves had a pretty bad background being former hordes when they didn’t had to.

BUT if Blizzard chose to not turn the High Elves into void elves then )when it would’ve been way more logical), and also chose to not give void elves HE skins as they said they were considering. Then that really is because of something. That something being, High elves ARE indeed kept aside as a “just in case” Blizz wants to put them.

They aren’t impossible, and they never will be no matter what excuses Blizzard makes. After all they used to say no neutral races, no classic servers and no bigger backpack for years citing hardcoded excuses, we got all 3.

That is fair. If we got High Elves druids to further differentiate them from Blood elves, I could live with that.


The whole reason High Elves are High Elves is a refusal to engage in an act they found repugnant. I don’t see a group too squeamish to suck their mana out of a worm being down for sucking void out of a tentacle.

Blood Elves though, those guys are willing to do all sorts of crazy things without worrying about the consequences. I can totally see them sucking on a tentacle if that tentacle promised them the power to protect Quel’thalas.