Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

During the Legion lore segment of Blizzcon 2015. I’ve linked it several times in this thread.

There have been other racs whose narrative you run with despite not being playable. Let us not be disingenuous.

You are shifting the goalposts.
Your original statement was about the importance to the story. Now you are shifting it to “well in the game!” which is not at all what I am discussing. I am discussing their contribution to the story as a whole. In this aspect, the high elf narrative has been practically non-existent by comparison to the Gnome story. You can insist on what occurs in game, but I am not focusing on such a narrow lens.

All I hear is “Now the elves of Surumar city is no longer true night elves”. I don’t hear anything about them being a different species.


Oh. My bad.

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It’s literally the next line.

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Why are we talking about Nighborne?

Sorry sweetheart, I’m not arguing your non-arguments. They’re the same goalpost.

Explain how?

Since all you’ve brought forth thus far is the Gnomes ”Technological aid that has been given to the Alliance“, which is not a story as opposed to the High Elves who have played our entry-point into many patches and quests for the Alliance, backed by an actual story.

I don’t even remember how we got here, you’re perfect at wasting everyone’s time Broflake, Alliance players understand the story significance and nuance between High Elves and Gnomes, which is why we see mountains of gnomes running around yes?

Hell even Void Elves out number Gnomes, and they don’t even have a story, imagine beating out a core race and their ”sToRy” on a model alone.


Fyorsing tried to argue that nightborne and night elves are the same race therefore the fact that High elves and blood elves are the same race doesn’t matter.

I then provided that dev clip and an except from Chronicles that said they aren’t. Since then the discussion devolved into Fyorsing claiming that dev statements don’t mattwr because it’s not in game, then how dishonest I am, then how Australians are dishonest.

It’s been a bumpy ride.


The idea that devs are lesser to in game lore where blizzard hasn’t updated most of the world since cata…

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Didn’t you know it’s canon for there to be three different warchiefs hanging out in Orgrimmar?

Honestly, I do look at Nightborne and Night Elves are different races actually. But species, it is kind of hard for me to really point my finger on it, especially when a dev says it. I dunno, not much really to say though, and I don’t really have much to go by other theories in regards to the Nightborne though.

Yeah, it’s weird since they literally never use species, even in places it’d make more sense to. I think they generally mean race and use it interchangeably.

  1. They don’t consistently utilize the term species, and even if they did it wouldn’t affect anything that I’ve stated today.

  2. What you stated was, and I’ll quote you on this, that Blizzard “never uses the word species to differentiate different races”, which was demonstrated as a falsity in all of 45 seconds.

    (Emphasis added.)

They do, which is the point.

  • The Worgen Curse changed the Gilneans. They’re a unique race (“breed”, “type”), but not a unique species.

  • The exposure to Fel changed the Blood Elves. They’re a unique race (“breed”, “type”), but not a unique species.

  • The selection pressures of their homeland changes the Kul Tirans. They’re a unique race (“breed”, “type”), but not a unique species.

  • The timeline alteration(s) changed the Mag’har (or rather, didn’t change them). They’re a unique race (“breed”, “type”), but not a unique species.

An unpublished developer comment isn’t indicative of canon truth, and the game states they’re a unique race – but doesn’t at all imply that they’re a unique species. :man_shrugging:

Muradin is dead, Demon Hunters don’t exist, and Classic never launched. All of those things were unpublished comments, too – the authors of any fiction are to be trusted, and their musings valued, but canon they are not.

JK Rowling can prattle on about how, as she imagines it, Harry and Hermione are the power couple of the series – but until her novels are rewritten to include this element, and republished to the masses, it’s not canon.

There have been, but if you’re searching for a reason why High Elves haven’t had as much screen time as, say, Goblins… well, that’s intrinsically related to the fact that they’re not playable.

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Don’t get me wrong, I do like the Nightborne, but there customisations could use some better work.

less than 1% of the people on wow want high elves on alliance and less than 20% of them are the ones who beg for them here on forums and they wont shut up.

I love them conceptually but the boys particularly need about 10 minutes more in the oven to look more like the npcs.

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They all need work. Females or Males.

For the females, I hate how they stand with there legs so far apart.

I honestly didn’t see the big deal at first but yeah. They should be a little more… Angular? In their face structures.

The legs are less of an issue for me than the fact the lads’ faces look like they’re trying to hold a small swarm of bees in the mouths.

“so that is how they make honey” :rofl:

Guzzle, lets just agree on one thing: Nightborne needs more work on. Doesn’t matter if it is female or male.

I’d love to see that highly credible source, looking forward to you linking it.

In the meantime, it is widely accepted that High Elves are the #1 most requested AR the Alliance has, followed by Sethrak then Vrykul.