Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

That was actually in the Surumar intro cinematic yes?

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But uh, nice post.

That is not what it means.


You know Tarrok, just because people have disagreements with you and the Anti’s, doesn’t make them trolls.


When someone makes a comment based on disparaging their national origin, yeah. It’s a troll.

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Nope, but being an insulting jackwagon and lying about what I’ve argued pretty much does though. And this is not based solely on right now, that poster has a long and storied history of mainly seeming to be into this debate to attack and insult people who disagree with him.

further edit: And really, he’s lazy too, if he wanted to dig at me for getting snarky about blood elves being playable high elves I actually posted exactly that a bit earlier, but he jumped on me noting that saying it’s ok to duplicate a playable race on the other faction because LFD, HMT and Mag’har are basically duplicates is missing the point because those three are on the same faction as the playable parent race while High Elves are on the opposing faction of the playable race.


I’ll stop being a meanie-weanie and hurting your feelie-weelies, when you stop pretending your video and gif spams on every single High Elf mega-thread wasn’t essentially the exact same thing.

Still waiting for your answer about the Topic though.

  • The Worgen Curse changed the Gilneans. They’re a unique race (“breed”, “type”), but not a unique species.

  • The exposure to Fel changed the Blood Elves. They’re a unique race (“breed”, “type”), but not a unique species.

  • The selection pressures of their homeland changes the Kul Tirans. They’re a unique race (“breed”, “type”), but not a unique species.

  • The timeline alteration(s) changed the Mag’har (or rather, didn’t change them). They’re a unique race (“breed”, “type”), but not a unique species.

So on, and so forth.

That’s splendid! Now find the part about where it says they’re a completely distinct species, for me.

And neither prejudice, discrimination, or hatred was dispensed – Australia is known for it’s lack of decorum, worldwide, which makes the suggestion that your behavior would be considered suspect even at home all the more meaningful.

I’m sorry that when people bring your country of origin up, you’re offended no matter what is being said. You might consider leaving it, since you clearly dislike it so. :man_shrugging:

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I am sorry Cezol… Not that I have a dirty mind or anything… I read these in the wrong way :rofl:


Then you do have a dirty mind :scream:.

Becareful, Tarrok might shutdown again if we get too adult in here.


A few too many facts and we’ll be barraged with YouTube clips and GIF’s until the thread caps.


Anyway, let us continue an actual discussion. Asit stands, it is rather clear the high elf narrative is being replaced with the void elf one. Which makes sense given void elves are playable.

Here to voice my support for playable high elves!


I am unsure that will occur given the existence of void elves bud.

And which Void Elf narrative is that?

They’re pretty good at hide-and-seek, that’s about all we can say with any certainty.

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“and while at the same time, ignoring the existence of High Elves that are also there on the Alliance too.”


Its clear? To who? The people who asked for the actual High Elf narrative?

Or to Blizzard who thought giving them blue Blood Elves who have had nothing to do with the WoW High Elf narrative, was somehow…The High Elf narrative, instead of, the blue Blood elf narrative…but on the Alliance…


The narrative of them being an exiled people who have returned to the alliance as allies, and have taken to the fore in ways the high elves never have or seemingly, will.

Void elves are everywhere, the 4 in stormwind are not.

Except for the multiple appearances that the High Elves HAVE had throughout the Alliance narrative, as opposed to the lore-less Void Elves who showed up at the end of Legion and have played 0 role in our main story since, even with this Battle for The Black Empire of an expansion, their perfect opportunity, nothing.

Also just because Void Elves are treated the same way as High Elves by the main Thalassian Group Blood Elves, does again, not make them the High Elves that we’ve been asking for.

There a chance you’re ever gonna stop ignoring lore-nuance and pretending you know what we wanted? Or nah Broflake?


The HE’s are effectively in the same position (they’re living off of the courtesy of others), and they’ve been featured more prominently in numerous expansions than the Void Elves were in BfA.

Not sure what you’ve been doing throughout your time playing WoW, but it surely wasn’t questing on the Alliance-side of things anytime between WotLK and Legion. :man_shrugging:

(Edit: You already know this, but I’m all for Void Elves being “it” for the Alliance. I’m just not down with flimsy justifications for High Elves being discounted and/or disregarded. The implication that the High Elves haven’t become a profoundly important fixture for those players that exclusively play Alliance, is largely borne of ignorance.)