Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Whoa, now, let’s not sell Tarrok short!

He is always here when some new, unsuspecting poster needs to be dogpiled on by a bunch of cantankerous strangers.


Rats and here i thought you didn’t drink the same kool-aid Fyre did.

This is untrue and you know it, you’re being purposely obtuse or disingenuous, which only proves most of the entire anti-side have never been in it to defend some unearned exclusivity to Blood Elves, and are simply Horde fan boys who don’t want Alliance players to ever have anything they ask for, even when said Alliance players are even willing to extensively bend High Elves to not “step on your toes”.

There’s High Elves walking around in Stormwind right now honey, and 2 of their major leaders are IN the Alliance. That’s not even mentioning the constant presence Alliance High Elves have in Alliance storylines.

If thats too hard for you to understand, i get it, when all you do is surf youtube saving videos to use to continue your non-argument on this topic, it’s understandable.

Blizzard has gone out of its way constantly to show that Alliance High Elves and Blood Elves are two different groups despite being the same race.

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Appreciate it. Sorry for helping you again.

Remember when you try to lie about what someone said that the little ^ lets people see how wrong you are.

So please, tell me how Alliance already had a playable core race that would have been what a High Elf AR would split off of? You know, what I was actually talking about, and not the strawman you’re beating on.

Did you read something else entirely? Are we playing the game game? High elves aren’t playable so the situation does not apply.

If you got high elves, they would be on the Alliance, Blood elves would be on the Horde.
Blood elves are the parent race, so unlike those other ARs, they would be faction swapped. I get you don’t like people over a bunch of pixels, but you could at least respond to what they’re saying instead of what you imagined they spoke.

Don’t bother, they’re trying for a thread lock. They haven’t provided any argument. They’re just trying to bait.


I’m just kinda glad to see at least some of them can actually spell my name right.

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I was considering it too, but I think its just the way they are at this point.

It’s a very complex name to be fair.

Sorry why is this a requirement? Because its the formula they’ve followed so far?

So whats your playable core race that connects you to Vulpera? Goblins? That seems more of a technical reason than a race reason doesn’t it?

Only person creating “The Rules Blizzard Has To Follow” is you, from what i’ve seen the only requirement that an AR needs to join a side is agreeing or siding with said side, anything else is you creating unnecessary goalposts.


Sinking to racism now?


Oh jeeze, now I’m starting to feel embarrassed for them. It’s like they have no idea how they look.

As you suggest, it’s a misnomer to imply that Vulpera, Zandalari, Kul Tirans, or Dark Iron Dwarves are the result of coming from a “parent race” – in at least two cases (Zandalari, KT) those variants, canonically, predate their “parent race”.


I’m going to have to stop you there for a moment:

“Centuries passed. Without moonlight. Without sunlight. To survive, we turned to the Nightwell, a font of great power at the city’s heart. Slowly … it changed us

“it changed us”

“The nightborne race owes much of its unique physical characteristics to its long dependence on the Nightwell

“unique physical characteristics”

Still waiting for your answer sweetheart, or are we admitting the antiside has always been built on a foundation of personal feelings and ignoring lore-nuance?

Don’t answer, either way it supports my point. :kissing_heart:

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Stop! That way lies madness!

Fyar has a thesaurus and isn’t afraid to use it to explain how since they can have different definitions they are completely different things, and thus they have out logiced us all

I didn’t realize Australian was a race.

The fact that you weren’t mandated to take biology in school sort of explains why you can’t understand the difference between “race” and “species”, though.


Oh I’m sure Tarrok mean’t Your side doesn’t have the skeleton.

Which is a better argument than what he actually said.

Oh look, he wan’t back to video and gif spams, like always, no evidence and nothing to prove.

Was there ever an Anti-side? Or was it just Horde fan boys afraid of losing their pretend exclusivity? When in reality it was never in danger to begin with?


This implies someone is in power to systemically stomp you out. I’m an American, if someone pointed this out to me I would not assume a form of this was intended, if someone sought to belittle me for being Asian American or belittle being Filipino Korean then I would.

Also as a blanket statement to anyone I want it to be known I’d defend you vehemently if this was the case.