Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Fyorsing, you remind me of Stuart.

Funny thing about that…


An interesting way of not answering 3-4 questions – I even gave you the answer to two of them. Tisk tisk. :man_shrugging:

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Love the ogre reference but there is one major difference.

Ogres aren’t already playable on the alliance.

For some antis that the blood elves are on horde makes giving the alliance the same thing seem not so good.

You’re not interested in an honest discussion. You were demonstrated to be objectively wrong but you continue to either move the goalposts, pivot away from the actual topic at hand, suggest the game is more canon than the devs. So, you’ll receive the same level of response you provide.

So because Chris Metzen wasn’t sure what the status of Falstad Wildhammer was years ago means that he doesn’t know the broad strokes of the world building?

This is like saying “Well, yes, you pretty accurately talked about the major events of Gettysburg, how it may have effected the war from that point on and talked about the importance of the Roundtops and artillery positioning, but you said it took place on June 1-3 1863 instead of July, so none of that can be trusted.”

edit: Or like forgetting that the flub was about Falstad and thinking it was Muradin because it revolved around the council of three hammers. It’s a discrete detail that’s easy to mess up while still knowing what the broad topic was.


I feel like it’s also worth noting that that example was an off-the-cuff question, not a pre-prepared statement like the quote about the Nightborne.

I believe it’s worth noting, thread, that I solicited Guzzle for any in-game (or even published, I’ll accept published) evidence that the Nightborne are a completely distinct species.

  • In his first response, he chose to cite unpublished commentary made by a member of the Exterior Level Design Team (Art Team) – which I refused to accept, as per the parameters of my solicitation.

  • In his second response, he chose to cite Warcraft Chronicle Vol. 1, Page 104, Paragraph 1, Line 6, which reads:

    "In the millennia to come, the fount would also change Elisande and her allies, transforming them into a new race called the nightborne.

    This failed to address the assertion I’d made, completely – most probably owing to a misunderstanding of the etymological and definitional distinctions between the terms “race” and “species”.

What did ol’ Guz do, after being shot down twice? Did he finally crack the case, and find some legitimate piece of evidence that corroborated his understanding of Azeroth’s biological anthroplogy? Not at all.

He started hurling ad hominems, posting memes, and retreated from the conversation entirely. If you’re considering holding down a discussion with him, thread-goers, just realize the caliber of person you’re dealing with – the type to dogpile onto the first unsuspecting person he can, invariably aided by his pet Tauren and the useful stooge DH, and whose only real contributions are limited to cheap mimicry of Liam Hemsworth’s charming commentary.


The goalpost has been the same since the thread of discussion was opened, feel free to use that fancy up-scroll and verify this for yourself.

The contention, from the start, was that there isn’t any in-game (or published, in general) material indicating that Nightborne are a distinct species. The goalpost hasn’t moved, you’re just dancing around it and creating a perception of change for yourself. :man_shrugging:

Fyorsing once against flexes pseudo-intellectualism and attempts to apply etymological definitions towards a video game which does not use the term in a scientific fashion.
This is done in a desperate fashion to avoid admitting she/he/it made an error on the matter. Certainly not an honest discussion and one of bad faith.



People see it Fya thank you for the lore arguments I always enjoy reading them and either educating myself on things or simply enjoying the reading

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Ah yes and here we reach the endgame.

Once proven objectively wrong despite trying to faff about with word games and loaded questions, Fyorsing retreats to personal insults then declares himself the victor.


Ah pigeon chess

And in comes lannisteros to flex blind support.


This is the way Blizzard, themselves, utilizing the terms – which is why “Human”, “Gilnean”, and “Kul Tiran” are all referred to as playable races, despite being part of the same biological species.

There’s nothing pseudo-intellectual about this, nor is this a contention I’ve pioneered. This is factual, in-game reality.

There is no error.

The Nightborne are a unique race, they’re not a unique species – and not one iota of published material would suggested otherwise.


He’s just trolling mate, leave him be. He has no argument and he knows that.

So, orcs are the same as humans, because they use the term race instead of species in the game. As, per you, the dev word doesn’t matter and the game is most canon, every race in the game belongs to the same species. Seems legit.


Fine. only cause you threatened not to be my pocket healer.