Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Or wait, is this like the pope and they’re only official sources on the lore and canon when they’re speaking ex cathedra?

Let’s not draw attention to it in case it flares up again.

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It was an impressive one man train wreck.

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Omg. Yes moving on.

Nightborne are not Night Elves.

High elves and blood elves are the same race with different political identity verging on cultural divergence. One has served with the horde the other (much less in number) put its backing with the alliance.

Where’d we land on Void Elves are/aren’t Blood Elves?

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This one is pretty impressive too.

Personally I would say they’re not since they can naturally utilise the Void. I could see an argument for the other position though.

It is shaping up that way, but won’t really match up unless they bring it up in a day or two like they had won the argument

Yeah I haven’t seen any concrete they’re a different race. I mean blue skin blue blood tentacles. I’d say new race, just ain’t seen nuthin official.

There’s nothing sensitive about it, just deciphering your backhanded commentary for the thread-goers.

Which statement, in particular?

This says “transforming them into a new race called the Nightborne”, what I specifically stated (and you can do a couple little up-scrolls and verify this to be the case) was that there isn’t any evidence to suggest they’re a new or distinct species.

(Note: The most apt synonyms for “race”, when discussing anthropology, are “breed” or “type”.)

  • Just like High Elves and Blood Elves are two different races (breeds/types), of a singular species. (Not sure where Void Elves stand, because Blizzard hasn’t seen fit to give them any meaningful developments.)

  • Just like Stormwindians and Kul Tirans are two different races (breeds/types), of a singular species.

  • Just like Night Elves and Nightborne are two different races (breeds/types), of a singular species.

The MCU functions like this.
The DCU functions like this.
The Star Wars franchise functions like this.

This isn’t a new concept, been commonplace in fictional settings since the 80’s. :man_shrugging:


Honestly it’s making work a lot more fun.

The people will support me! That’s your counter? Cool story Maximus Decimus Meridius

So you’re basing it off the word race? That is the flimsiest argument I have ever heard. I guess…Vulpera and Goblins are the same species.

You…realize MCU takes place on Earth XXXX and not Earth 616 the main continuity yes?

Same above

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[Citation Needed]

Ok, now that I got that joke out.

So since the 80s it’s been a thing that the creators of a fictional setting answering questions about that fictional setting, aren’t actually sources of information about the fictional setting that they created?


Lads he’s just trolling, he’s been proven objectively and inarguably wrong. There’s nothing more to be gained by arguing the matter.

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But I wanted to get my dig in on the mess that is the DCU!

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For ten hours man?

Jesus that is dedication

No, support against your positions isn’t necessary – rather, I feel obligated to highlight your behavior when it is infantile so that everyone else realizes the caliber of person they’re dealing with.

Yes. The game itself distinguishes between playable races, not playable species.

Are you arguing that we shouldn’t utilize the terminology that is provided to us, by the game itself?

Why would this be the case, and what relation does it have to anything I’ve stated?

(Hint: The answer is “It isn’t, and none”.)

Same question as above, what relation does it have to anything I’ve stated?

(Hint: The answer is “None”.)

No, I’m saying the level of canon ascribed to author commentary is typically below any/all published works – precisely because of situations like Chris Metzen’s Muradin Bronzebeard fiasco years ago.

And, in this instance, the game doesn’t give any indication that the Nightborne are a distinct species.


I like High Elves. I think it’s silly of Blizz to show them as Allies to the Alliance and not have them playable. It feels like the get on the bus trope but the bus never drives off screen. Weird analogy, doesn’t quite fit, but it’s funny to me.

But the point moot. Proponents won’t be swayed no matter how logical Opposition arguments are and vice versa.

But I’d like to at least try to make playable Alliance High Elf opponents empathize with your Alliance fellows. Imagine if Ogres had been present in your cities since Vanilla, given you quests, featured in multiple major expansion plots, had deep connections to the major story arch of the entire franchise, but you could never play them. If you can feel, imagine that? If you can, that’s what High Elf fans feel. It’s not a big thing, I don’t expect it to change your mind, I just hope you understand why it’s disappointing.