Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

I mean, accusing others of being disingenuous while simultaneously claiming Chronicles and dev interviews aren’t canon is kind of hilarious though.


Isn’t it convenient the way people can win an argument by dismissing everything that goes against their point?


Their “change” was in name, and their “change” with dath’remar was when they shifted from night elf to blood elf. There is also more to my post that you are ignoring along with guzzle’s direct quote from chronicles.

I find it funny you accuse me of being disingenuous when you act so hypocritically.

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It was on-the-record that we probably wouldn’t ever see Demon Hunters, after they missed their opportunity in TBC – it was on-the-record that we wouldn’t ever see Classic, because it was a garbage idea.

What is “on-the-record” is of no consequence, to anything or anybody – it’s precisely for this reason that most major franchises have categorical definitions of canon and statements made by people working on the various projects are near the bottom.

No, that was a quote from a dev interview. The Chronicles quote is longer.

I can go get that as well if you like.

Don’t worry, we’ll see more from her soon.

I don’t have chronicles in front of me so its probably faster if you do than I.

These situations are not a fair or equal comparison in anyway. Those statements were in regards to features that were not implemented and were circumstancial.
Guzzle’s came from after the nightborne were implemented. That is a rather large difference. I don’t understand why it is so difficult for you to admit you are wrong, and instead choose to dig a deeper hole.

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Loaded questions aren’t dishonest, Chronicles isn’t canon. My joke the other day about using dreams as arguments is getting closer and closer to being reality.


Dude… They’re a different race than the Night Elves. They’re not Night elves.

blood elves and high elves are the same thing. This is just the facts… What are you trying to do here?

Like want High Elves for the Alliance since they’ve been serving with us for the entire time this game has been, but don’t make up stuff just to support your idea.

The Shal’dorei and the Kaldorei are not the same race anymore. They were once. Just like the Kaldorei and the Quel’dorei were. But thats just not the case now.


There are numerous BE’s that state, specifically, that a proximity to Fel magic had a profound affect (i.e. “change”) on them – their original introduction cinematic alludes to the same.

This isn’t an indication of them becoming a new species, just as it isn’t for Nightborne.

His quote was from a BlizzCon interview, not Chronicle Vol. 3. Let’s keep up with what’s being said, friend.

At least it looks like they’re keeping track of the things you said that they are ignoring

What I said was Developer Interviews aren’t to be considered as canon, and this is typical of every major franchise in modern history – of course Chronicles is to be considered canon, though the game has a higher authority.

Who is being disingenuous again? :laughing:

You do realize you are referring information which is either old and outdated, or directly contradicted by the developers who have weighed in on what occurred…correct?
The statement provided by Thalyssra along with the distinct and visible changes in physiology lends more proof than simply a change in one’s glowy eye color. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

I acknowledged that earlier. Try to keep up with the pace of the conversation pal. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

J.K. Rowling knows nothing about Harry Potter and neither does George R.R. Martin know anything about Game of Thrones when he talks about it.

This is just making things up in your head currenty.

All humans have the same body type, height, and weight. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Still you.

Strawman. It is easily ignored.

This is head canon.

The palest blood elf skin is the same as the palest high elf skin.

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The BE’s weren’t affected by proximity to the Fel? :laughing:

If the only physiological change that Blood Elves experienced was a change in eye color, that’d be fair – but, much like the Nightborne, they experienced a darkening of their skin tones (which is why the in-game High Elves utilize different skin colors, unavailable to Blood Elves).


“I was wrong, and was corrected by someone else before you corrected me. You’re a big dumbdumb.”

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You are rather sensitive when your statements get turned back against you. I forgot, sorry for hurting your feelings Callistus 2.0.
By the way, you going to acknowledge you were wrong about your statement? Or you just going to try and create a red herring by trying to get a rise out of people?

Volume 1, page 104, paragraph 1, line 6.



I know, right?

It’s like the “Chen wasn’t involved in the founding of Orgrimmar” or the “I measured the femurs” of the modern era.


Yeah…she’s still on that nonsense. I wouldn’t bothr doing more than pointing out the ridiculousness of the statement and moving on.

People think Chen stormstout wasn’t canon?