Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

I said this too.

I was doing that for demonstration before with the 7%.

And when we distill every single argument on this topic to its essence we arrive at this:

A group of players likes the idea. A different group of players doesn’t like the idea.

Everything else is justifications and rationales for various positions on the matter.


That is good, a smooth brain is a bad brain. You want wrinkles.





That’s how it goes. State your grievances. Let the games begin.

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I just don’t even care anymore about what they add or don’t add. It’s not fun to me anymore anyway.

You know, it makes attempting to crush your desires much less fun if you stop caring. :wink:

And the disingenuity continues. :man_shrugging:

My apologies, I will try to care more.

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Thank you, don’t make me come out here again.

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You know, there’s other things you can crush too

This thread has gotten grossly off-topic, but I’d like to add my two cents.

I’m not a High Elf supporter myself, but as far as I can tell the main problem that most of them have is that there is no functional way to rp a HE as Alliance. If Void Elves had at least one customization option that made them look not as corrupted I doubt there would be anywhere near as many complaints. So the cheapest solution would be to add more customization options for both velves and belves that gave them blue eyes, clear skin, etc.

As far as lore is concerned, there really are no more High Elves. No, shut up, there aren’t, period. Even the HE supporters in this thread have pointed out the only group of pure high elves remaining are the Silver Covenant, and they don’t call themselves High Elves. The remaining pockets of queldorei have nothing “High” about them. If Blizzard ever adds them as a playable race, they would have to have a name change, and something unique about them. I think that’s whats ticked off so many people about the Void Elves, because that’s exactly what they are, but it’s not what people wanted.

Speaking of customization, when the Allied Races were introduced I used to talk with a friend about how some day it would be a good idea to merge some of the races and add more customization options. For example, Humans and Kul Tirans would become one race and the two models would simply be a “fit” and “large” body type in the character creation screen. They could use that opportunity to add the skinny human boys everyone wants (that are just a reskin of the Forsaken model). Likewise they could reskin all three human models and create skinny, normal and large Forsaken.

When you apply this to elves, the Night Elves and Void Elves would merge into some sort of new “Dark Elf” race, while the Blood Elves and NIghtborne would become, what, Mana Elves? Magic Elves? I dunno. It almost felt like they were going this way with the new Nelf eye options and the whole Dark Elune subplot.

But I digress, this isn’t something I would really want them to waste resources on right now, maybe for WoW 2 if there ever is one.

What were we talking about? Oh yeah, High elves. Anyway, just give everyone blue eyes and light hair and we can call it a night.

Is that an offer? :kissing_heart:

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This is false.

This is false.

This is false.

This is an unsubstantiated opinion.

This is an unsubstantiated opinion.

You can have this one, but this makes you 1 for 6 in the “objective facts” department.

Have a sip of tea, try again later after you actually do some reading.


Personally, I think making an entire subrace that is just a blue eyed version of an existing race is boring. I can see why the devs try to jazz it up with our void elf versions. It wouldn’t kill them to add more customization to existing races though. Give our elf fanatics a blue-eyed option and call it a day.


It’s a good thing, then, that roughly half of the people asking for playable High Elves (and nearly all the esteemed posters) aren’t requesting that Blizzard copy/paste Blood Elves onto the Alliance.

You might consider that actually reading the commentary of the people you’re attempting to ridicule could be a good place to start.


They’re physiologically the same race.

Literally whatever you do it’s categorically impossible to get around the fact that they’re blue eyed blood elves, even if they slap themselves in blue facepaint and feathers.

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Everyone should have upvoted this. :star2:


The peoples of Stormwind and Kul Tiras are, physiologically, the same race – hasn’t stopped Blizzard from depicting the latter as 7-foot bodybuilders.

There’s no reason Blizzard couldn’t create a uniquely shaped model for playable High Elves, other than those you dream up in your own head (“bUt ThEy’Re ThE sAmE sPeCiEs?!/1/1?!”).


No one mentioned models.

If helfers are asking for Void Elves to get regular skin and hair colors as an option/substitute for high elves, then YES they are asking for a carbon copy of Blood Elves.