Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Dunno, I was looking at freakazoid clips on youtube and that seemed to be something I could use to drop in one of my obscure references with

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I still really wanna go see 1917.

We’ll pick at random then and get extra popcorn.

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if you recall the way Elisande described the quel’dorei (high elves of the alliance), she referred to them as having diluted their bloodlines (they are interbreeding with humans). it would be so easy for the devs to make the quel’dorei look like a variant of a sindorei, in much the same way as the rendorei (void elves), but technically, a half human half high elf, would be a half elf. :smiley:

I still hold that the point of that whole scene is that Elisande was using the Eye of Aman’thul in order to beef up the shade she was throwing at the other elves.

How like a Nightborne to throw shade.

Lmao, Khad’gar riding one of the elves running away.

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But not much, they seem to be lacking in meat on bones.

Well yeah, but just look at night elves. They’re skinny wee things but they’re obsessed with shade.


We are.

Edit: damnit! I agreed with Guzzle again!

barking up the wrong tree. :nerd_face:

I thought they were obsessed with trees… and they invited Nomi.

Which tree is the right tree then.

None of them.

Oh well, we’ll keep cutting them down until we find the right one.

Lok’tar etc. etc.

YES! lmao

Thank you for making my morning by pointing that out.

Yes by one of the human generals actually.

Although this was the turning point for ALL Blood Elves. Not High Elves. Quel Thalas was still mostly allied with the Alliance at this point.

This wasn’t a separation of “Helf and Alliance”. It was a separation of “Belf and Alliance”.

BLOOD Elves were apart of the Alliance once. Look it up.

No. You need to read.

It’s official canon that 10% of all High Elves refused the name Blood Elf and the majority of these remaining High Elves were apart of the Alliance.

Yes it does. I hope you realize that just becuase the 2 points you made were wrong, doesn’t mean I’m pro-High Elf.

Blood Elves and High Elves are the same race, but culturally distinct. That’s not enough of a factor to make them a playable Alliance race in my opinion.

To clear things up, they even put High Elves MULTIPLE times as fully fledged soldiers of the Alliance. IN BFA. This is just recent WoW history.

Helfs are a race that exists on the Alliance. Also as I pointed out by looking at canon, there probably are more Alliance Helfs than there are Velfs.

EVEN THOUGH that is probably true, I’m still anti-Helf. I hate the argument that “you defend them, you support them”. No. I’m not defending pro-Helf arguments. You don’t need to attack something and be unfair at every level to “win”.

Are Fyarsing and Itoldyouso arguing about the argument I had with Roghter about Guzzle’s argument?

This is wrinkling my brain.

There are less Velfs than Helfs. I detailed this figure out in my first response to Guzzle.

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These high elves split into two factions, quel’dorei (high elves) and sin’dorei (blood elves). The sin’dorei and the quel’dorei of the Eastern Kingdoms do not get along, because the sin’dorei have willingly taken up playing around with demonic energy, something that is pretty abhorrent to any quel’dorei who remembers what the Burning Legion did to Azeroth.

Oh cool, I so rarely get to do this with new people.

They made use of fel crystals to power buildings but the blood elves didn’t tap or consume fel energies themselves.

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