Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Yeah. He just mentioned them again like they’re some kind of major power in the world and not a handful of high-elves in a mage order that consists of elves, humans, worgen, undead, etc that didn’t get addicted to fel coke like their junkie brethren.

I would have to slide back up and check. If it is not I would add it.

Blood elves were draining mana from living creatures, not intelligent living creatures. Its the difference between eating a ham sandwich and going vegan. Even though, funny enough, I imagine they had meat as a part of their diet.

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How about you guys start a new campaign asking for half elves then?

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Is this a thing now? hyperbolize other people’s statements because you can’t admit you were wrong? Good to know.

I wouldn’t say that is the case. His point is that they are a notable alliance aspect. Not a major power, just a notable group.

The HE’s that are a part of the Silver Covenant are citizens of Dalaran, and the governing authority therein has declared the city-state to be neutral – it is the official position of the Silver Covenant that Dalaran ought to pledge itself exclusively to the Alliance, but they’ve got no authority to actually make this call.

It’s possible that all of the High Elves seen faction-tagged as 7th Legion are actually citizens of Alliance-aligned cities (i.e. especially Stormwind), but we’ve got no way of knowing where they came from originally.

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The first use of “intelligent”, as it relates to this particular talking point, was when you used it just now.

Also, define “intelligent”.

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And still don’t fit as a full allied race. Regardless of how, where, or why they’re there they don’t add anything to the faction we don’t already have.

High elves? We’ve already got Night Elves for that.

And void elves.

I’ll take Broken Draenei before High Elves. Or broken Arakkoa. Or Vrykul. Or Saberon. Or Mogu. Or something brand new from the Shadowlands that’s attractive, edgy, dark, and gothic.

…except for the Ankoan or the Jinu. I’ll take HEs before I’ll put up with the smell of fish everywhere (also I think they’re extremely ugly, and we need something popular)

Honestly, I’ve just been too lazy with the little free time I’ve had lately. I may get around to it eventually

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Might explain why you’re a bad actor.

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Do you consider mana wyrms intelligent?

Man I wish I took drama. I would’ve loved acting

No, no you most assuredly are not.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this person is not now nor has he ever been a MurgAlt.

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I am not nearly as nice either. I have good reason to not be nice. That is why I am not nice.

Just who, exactly, is it you are trying to say Blood Elves rebelled against?

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Perhaps someone else will do it. :hugs:

And yet…my comment is related to the contradiction being shown, it’s not a stand alone point. Did you go back and read why I made that comment?
So no…I don’t see it’s the same at all.

I’d be happy to support it, should someone create the topic

It’s never too late.