Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

I wish Demon Hunters were other races other than Elves.

It seems somewhat unlikely that a group of scholars, most/all of whom accept that their banishment was a result of their disregard for the safety of their compatriots, would seek violent revenge upon the governing body that ostracized them.

Both Umbric and Alleria explicitly state that their goal is for the BE’s to join the Alliance – I can’t imagine that wantonly assaulting BE’s, at every opportunity, would be a strategy they’d endorse.

Meanwhile, the HE’s have experienced numerous slights from the BE’s over the last decade or so – some direct, some indirect.

As you highlighted previously in this thread (or maybe the other one, not sure), many/most of the modern High Elves are exclusively citizens of Dalaran – it is their one and only home. It seems just as reasonable for HE’s to respond violently to BE’s, today, as it did for Thunderbluff Tauren to respond violently to Grimtotem Tauren in the early years.

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Elves are edgelord supreeeeeeme

It is not unlikely. Human beings are unpredictable muppets. Elves can be too.

It kind of was.

So, you’re edgy?

Do the whole quote, not just the one line.

Nothing? My point is that it is about looks in many cases rather than a lore argument as many portray.
Fizz said people want it for the lore.
I pointed out that individuals often admit it isn’t about the lore, that the motivations are not about story.
heck,. story is the last thing because you seldom experience the story as X race.

Sometimes I get cut while looking in the mirror. That edgy.

If he included in in part of his post, it is subject to adding a counter to that specific point.

So you’re countering a single part of a post, removing the context that gives it meaning? Even though that point isn’t what he saying once given that context?


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So much this, bravo :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

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Cool. So, while we got Jaina as an Dreadlord, we have you as an Edgelord.

Time for the taste of judgement then.

Says you’re a warrior not a paladin.
Prepare to get optic blasted.

Hey man, just because I am not holy, doesn’t mean I still can’t judge.

Your hair looks dumb. Get judged on.

This is not a court case Or formal debate, do you honestly expect a response to every tid bit of someone’s post, especially regarding a conversation with another poster?

I wanted to make a counter about what I observed when he brought up a point regarding aesthetics/faction and people switching from “x” race to high elf.

I simply posed what’s wrong with it?

Since this is based on absolutely no evidence it’s surprising anyone actually believes this.

I expect you to argue what someone said and not take their words out of context to make it seem like they said something else.

He didn’t say that race changing to a helf was wrong. He said he thought it was indicative of a desire for a certain aesthetic.

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