Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

You are truly one of my favorite forum posters with lore argument just wanna say that and voice my support for HEs again :heavy_heart_exclamation:


That is fine, I am not going to lose my mind over it the way you lose your mind when people don’t answer every single loaded question. I am simply pointing out I asked, and it was not answered.

Hearsay is basically using information another person told you.
Your brother saw you on the dock.
Your brother told me he saw you on the dock.
I say “your brother said he saw you on the dock.”.
That is hearsay.

That is a political difference not a cultural one.

I would say its closer to being political because of how it is categorized. The high elves generally tend to keep to their original ideologies which are shared with blood elves. Socially, sure, they associate with different groups but this can be argued as a consequence of politics rather than a minor cultural shift.

I am not Murg now am I?

Not asking you, only when I address you.
Which was my point.
Which you ducked under because of your childish desire to be abrasive to those who disagree with you. :man_shrugging:

Apologies for helping you regarding Alliance quests btw.

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They don’t have to. That’s not a prerequisite to being playable. And even if they were, that would mark the mag’har as not being a playable option, as orcs having green skin is noted as equivocal to blood elves having green eyes (which the majority still do) by the exposure to fel.

What a shocker, the chubby furry race who a lot of people (immaturely) resented (“NO KUNG FU PANDA IN MY WARCRAFT”) is less popular than the lithe and beautiful elf race. Next you’ll tell me that the sky is often blue and that water is wet.

Their neutrality has nothing to do with their lack of popularity, so their population is irrelevant to the topic.

And Kul Tirans used Stormwind buildings and Stormwind armor, etc., but painted green. Then they made their own distinction from the originals simply because they wanted to. The only thing that makes high elves indistinct from blood elves is a lack of desire from Blizzard to change it.

Physical changes not required, as mentioned before.
And now the High Elves, should they ever become playable, are under the banner of the Silver Covenant, a militaristic group aligned with Dalaran and the Alliance, while blood elves have their own city and still largely depend on the aristocracy and their own magic. High Elves have learned to control and curb their need for magic while Blood Elves embraced it. There’s your societal changes.

“This point doesn’t count because I say it doesn’t count.”

And more specifically, they very deliberately made sure it wasn’t the High Elves that were already part of the Alliance that ended up becoming these new, “unique” brand of elves.

Correct. There’s probably hundreds of thousands of Void Elf characters made by players, but they were described as a “small, elite group” by the devs. They were a group of researchers following one individual’s quest, not a city or a town’s worth of elves.

Meanwhile, Quel’thalas’ population was reduced to 10% after the Scourge, with an estimated 1% becoming High Elves or simply not returning to Quel’thalas. Supposedly there were over a million elves in the country, so for simplicity’s sake let’s just say 1 million. 1% of 1,000,000 is 10,000, a markedly higher number than a handful of Void scholars and their bodyguards.

I think it was, in part, the sheer disrespect in which he told people to take a hike and stop asking for High Elves. He could have phrased it differently in such a way that didn’t make it look like he was flipping the bird to Alliance players.

The issue is they say, “High Elves are the same as blood elves.” but have paraded them out as the foil to the Blood Elves at every opportunity since WotLK. Almost every time blood elves were present in the story, high elves would also be there in some capacity. They can’t go “Here’s these two groups who are different” for a decade and then go “No they’re the same, stop asking”.

If they didn’t want people to see High Elves as separate from Blood Elves, they should’ve stopped showing them as such.

Anyway, real life calls and I don’t have time to sift through the rest of the essay.

Addendum: I’d be perfectly okay if High Elves remained unplayable, but it irked me when people came out of the woodwork to go “NO. THESE ELVES ARE OURS” when from BC onward, Horde players have been posting about how blood elves “weren’t really a Horde race”. High Elves are part of Alliance identity since WC2, and you can’t just handwave that away because of Burning Crusade.


I don’t know why but that makes me think of that video of the stabby crabby.

It is for the devs who stated it was why they chose void elves over high elves.
Let alone that maghar orcs stayed on the same faction. You are requesting a re-skin go to the opposite faction after it already has another reskin.
It defeats the purpose of void elves, and introduces a design imbalance.
Honestly, the AR system seems like it was meant to test out or provide an early version of the new customization system.


I’m not, in fact. I’m just arguing why it should have been in the place of Void Elves, but that ship has sailed due to the inclusion of Void Elves, making threads like OP’s entirely redundant.

I don’t think high elves are going to happen unless they just erase faction borders and let people choose sides freely.

My eror then for misunderstanding. While I certainly understand why people believe it should have been high elves over void elves, I do think it was mostly those design issues.
While I also understand why you believe it redundant, the main reason is to offer an alternative to the whole “WE WANT HIGH ELVES FOR THIS!”. To reflect both sides of the matter.

Well, it’s been answered now.

All politics are an extension of culture.

The most fundamental social value espoused by the HE’s is that the Alliance is the more benevolent faction. This view isn’t shared by the Blood Elves.

As far as social divergence goes, the HE’s are plenty distinct from BE’s – their biggest hurdle isn’t that it doesn’t make sense that they would align with the Alliance, against the Horde and Quel’thalas, but that they’re visually indistinct.

We see the exact opposite issue with Void Elves (who are visually distinct, but who don’t have strong reasons to violently oppose the BE’s), and is why integrating the HE’s into the VE’s is a grand solution.

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Disagree. There’s always got to be a high elf containment thread.

Allow me to channel my true goblin self and say the bottom line is how it looks when it comes to $$$.

Is there money to be made from pro-Helfers? Yes, as faction/race changes are easy money, and if some sort of helf cosmetic were unlockable for velves (akin to night warrior eyes, but maybe behind a rep grind) it would keep people subbed longer to get it.

Is there money to be made from anti-Helfers? No. Keeping things the same does not make more revenue.

That said, I think the “not doing anything” route is the path of least resistance, as they likely aim to just wait it out 'til it blows over.


This is true, but a political shift is not necessarily indicative of a cultural shift.

THe void elves have just as much a reason to take on an offensive stance to their blood elven kin as the high elves do. The void elves were exiled for their practices, and this can result in a violent response.

on the other hand, the high elves largely had no reason to oppose their people violently outside of vocally complaining about the blood elves choice in allies. A choice, which they seemingly understand was brought about by their races encounter with near extinction and subsequent failure of the alliance to assist.

Its why the story of the SC is very forced in WotlK.
MoP helps introduce some interesting bits, but ultimately the story was resolved and moved from, so the SC doesn’t have much purpose anymore.

All humans are secretly goblins.
Facetiousness aside, yes, there is some money to be made from faction transfers sure. unfrtounately, its as you said, the opposite coin won’t give them money, and in some cases, might make people leave. I would say its a matter of the investment not being worth it for them.
Frankly, i think they’ll give blood elves more options and consider it a compromise along with void elves.
So if you want that high elf look, you go horde.
If you want ot be alliance, you go void elf.

For what 12 years?

The issue is that people don’t want the look, specifically, they want to be the High Elves that stuck with the Alliance.
If all the High Elves somehow became Void Elves back in 2017 (or whenever 7.3.5 was) and that was their intro, there would definitely have been some grumbling but it would A) tie up the “can we get high elves” question nicely, because they’d all become velves and B) make more sense as to why they’re immediately 200% pro-Alliance.


The High Elves and Sin’dorei are two separate factions of High Elves game/Story/ lore proves this,

High Elves Look at the Alliance & Horde different from the way Sin’dorei look at Alliance and Horde are also shown in game/lore/Game,

High Elves Live and have a formed social bonds with Alliances Races, Sindorei don’t again proved in game/Lore/Story,

There are those High Elves that don’t want to be in the Horde so the choose to stay with the Alliance, for several different reasons again proved in game/lore/story,

High Elves and Sin’dorei Go by different names for different reasons again proven by lore,

High Elves have been Helping and Supporting/interacting with the Alliance longer then Sin’dorei have been in the Horde again proven in game/lore/Story,

The High Elves and Sin’dorei have spent Large amount of time apart also proven in game/lore/story

Nothing here I said Above is opinion, its proven in game/story/lore

*My opinion there is enough difference between the two and they both add enough Identity to each the two Factions that it does blur the factions, High Elves always being there Supporting the Alliance and Sin’dorei always in support of the Horde since renaming.

Also with the technology exists nowadays to make the two look they can both be made to look more for the factions they support and live with.

Thanks for reading all.


I disagree with you there. A large part of it is the looks, but they don’t want to be on the Horde. on multiple occassions several individuals admit to changing their VE to a HE for the look, or moving their BE to the Alliance for HE. It would be disingenuous to argue looks do not have nothing to do with it.

At the same time, I do agree with you, the story could have been done much more appropriately.

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I don’t play a Void elf, not a fan, happy others enjoy them.

I’d change from human or Draenei to High elf in a heartbeat tho.

And in what case would make it wrong for someone to race change from either VE or BE to an alliance HE? It’s how they want to play the game, and get as much enjoyment out of it as they can.


Just roll a blood elf demon hunter. We’re better looking.
Cool tats.

Already did, didn’t feel the vibe :slight_smile:

That wasn’t his point, was it?