Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

The question was an attempt to deflect the topic. The topic was, of course, Dayon’s question to Guzzle, why it was redundant and silly, and so I provided the answer that Guzzle had already given. In essence, I declined the change of topic until the initial topic was resolved.

In your opinion. But then again…

From what little I know about you, your opinion is not one which I give much weight to.

And for the record, talking about someone without responding to them directly or at least mentioning them makes you look like you’re afraid they’ll notice you and start correcting you.

If that’s the case, don’t worry, I don’t think you’re worth noticing or correcting.

It’s dishonest to treat “Night Elves and Nightborne had a cultural shift 10000 years ago, have been completely separated and their cultures are now vastly different” and “High Elves and Blood Elves haven’t been separate that long, they still seem to be very similar culturally, and what differences there are do not stretch the bounds of the diversity that still exists within one culture” as if they were contradictory. Which is the whole premise of the question and ignores a ton of stuff already stated to pretend that there is anything hypocritical about the points.

Let me elaborate as well. It is dishonest because much of the main argument here is the second point. Have the High and Blood elves drifted far enough away from each other to be on both factions? By taking that question, and linking it to the point that the Night Elves and Nightborne have changed greatly over 10k years apart you try to bypass the actual argument.

It assumes that the answer to the High/blood elf question is a yes and works from there. This is just trying to do a bad impression of the Jedi mind trick to try and just get everyone to work from the assumption that you’re right from the get go.


It is, by definition, a question.

It also has, to my thinking, a remarkably simple answer: “I never started.”

Edit: Now, of course you’ll all chime in about how this isn’t as pointed an answer as it ought to be. I can live with that, a deflective answer is still better than none at all.

Your statement, quoted from THELT:

Itoldyouso: So…humans should be on the Horde until the day come that Blizzard stops having humans who are friendly to the Horde.

Fyarsing: You’re trying to coax a “No, Humans are core to the Alliance”-type statement out of me, but I’m entirely on-board with the concept of Horde-aligned Humans… so, sure, let’s do it.

Itoldyouso: I am not aiming to do a “gotcha!” trick. If you had said yes, I would have pointed out this means any race should be playabel for the other faction then.
If you had said no, I would have asked you what is the difference.

  1. I answered it immediately.
  2. I’m not sure how you’re going to argue that wasn’t a loaded question, since both of your pre-determined responses were intended to have a “gotcha” effect.
  3. As you can see, the question was answer immediately – which means this is just you either remembering incorrectly or intentionally misleading.

Source: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/the-high-elf-love-thread/283595/15749

We’re getting off point, and ambling into legal procedures – these types of questions aren’t the types of questions that were being ignored by Roghter.

If someone asks a question you feel is dishonest, you’ve got every right to ignore it – and if I feel it’s not dishonest at all, I’ve got every right to drill you for refusing to answer it.

Welcome to :us:.

Today? I don’t know.

  1. I wasn’t asked this question yesterday, to my knowledge.
  2. I didn’t make this assertion yesterday, to my knowledge.

Thus, my answer would be, “I didn’t make such an assertion, and would concede that modern High Elves and modern Blood Elves are primarily distinguished by their adherence to opposing political ideologies.”

And just like that, another question answered.

I just scrolled up to the first post I made in this thread, and read through all of our correspondence, didn’t see that question anywhere but in this post from you – obviously, you’re confusing me with someone else.

And, again, which question is this? I’m about 91.47% convinced you asked this question to someone else, and genuinely believe you asked it of me – which would be odd, considering about half of my posts over the last 2 days have specifically highlighted that HE’s and BE’s have extreme cultural overlap. :man_shrugging:

The only thing I’m afraid of as it relates to Roghter is asking 1,000 questions and getting 4 answers.

The premise is irrelevant.

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Then I would simply suggest that you make sure you avoid asking 996 questions that are completely irrelevant to the topic, loaded, fallacious or in some other way a complete waste of time.

Or since you’re multiple posts into trying to make me seem foolish for ignoring a stupid question, and only making yourself look foolish in the process, just avoid wasting more time.

I’ve yet to be convinced of why the question posed is invalid or dishonest, other than lengthy explanations that boil down to “if I answered it, it would make my other positions look silly”.

Then allow me to explain. Despite your claims to the contrary you’re demanding I answer a question that was both off topic, AND loaded.

This is you showing you don’t know what a loaded question is, so foolish.

This is the question that assumes at its core that he laid out cultural values including ideology, philosophy and that political allegiance is a cultural value.

He has been as successful as you at actually providing differences in ideology and philosophy, which is to say he hasn’t. And political allegiance just isn’t a cultural value.

Now, in addition to that, we

see that you yourself understand, at least on some level, that irrelevant changes of topic shouldn’t be entertained and that it’s perfectly fine to insist a discussion stay on point. Your view on this is of course situational, mine is more general, but the basic understanding of what’s happening is there.

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You’re asking why asking loaded questions is dishonest?

Why do you hate honest discussion?



That’s just wrong. That was not a question, that was a tactic to try and bypass the actual discussion. Treating it otherwise just sends us down the rabbit hole of impossible tasks and unwinnable hypotheticals designed to shut down discussion rather than participate in it.


I lost my response to you earlier. So I’ll summarize.

Hey I was off on my memory. Congrats.

Loaded questions are not questions, hence why they are logical fallacies.
Congratulations on realizing you are in the U.S., but the forums are not subject to U.S. law, and not all users are in the U.S> or their territories.

Freedom of speech protects you from the government, it is not a matter of “right to drill” people or “right to ignore”.
Hence, why there is provocation which absolves criminal charges of assault and battery.

Congrats on flexing your pseuo-intelligence Callistus Jr.

I’ve asked you across several threads actually.

I don’t care.

Thank you for answering the question.

Across 6 months of correspondence? Impressive

I am not. I posed it to several including you.

Is the only thing you seem to be good at is giving needlessly pedantic responses?

Edit: ANyway, you have 2 other people to respond to, so I’ll back out for a bit since I understand it is time consuming addressing 3.

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There isn’t anything loaded about this question:

This question doesn’t require specificity as it relates to ideological, philosophical, or political values – what is being asked is if those things (any given groups adopted ideological, philosophical, or political values) are of any value whatsoever when discussing differentiation between playable races.

There’s nothing loaded about this, and the answer is entirely up to personal interpretation – either these things matter, or they don’t.

It seems to be a case of people complaining about “loaded questions”, when really the issue is a lack of consistency. If your position(s) are so situational that every question you answer contradicts the one that preceded it, this doesn’t mean every question is loaded, it means your position(s) aren’t as strong as you believe they are.

Be consistent, friends.

So… you’re alleging that I’ve repeatedly dodged this question, though you can’t cite to a time where you actually asked it prior to the last hour or so, and you acknowledge that the statements you’re ascribing to me aren’t actually mine?

I answered it a moment ago for the sake of answering it, but I mean… :laughing::laughing::laughing:

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I did indeed and I still stand by it.

Where did I say such a thing? I asked you a simple question.
Or is this another one of those things where you hold a conversation with a mirror where you can bwahahaha at your supposed snide and oh so witty remarks?
I simply don’t care about the pedantic nature of your answers. J

“THough it is not my assertion, blah blah blah.”

I don’t care.
Just say “I don’t believe there are any differences outside of political ideologies.”
Everything else is just words for the sake of filling space. If you’re going to short quote me, do it accurately and not mis-represent my intent. of course, that is what you typically do.

Irrelevant. That’s not why it was a loaded question. That’s not even an accurate reporting of what the question was.

The core premise is that there are no differences, that is the assertion in the original post. This question assumes those differences exist and were laid out without actually showing them, thus loads into its premise the very core of the dispute.

It is a loaded question, and you merely don’t understand what’s going on. Did you not read the question well?

I think that was also given to the void.

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I wouldn’t say there aren’t any differences, just not easily discernible differences – and easily discernible differences are, in my opinion, important so long as Blizzard intends to maintain distinctness between the factions.

Their divergent political ideologies are, without a doubt, the largest divide between the two groups; and I’ve maintained this position since Void Elves were introduced, so if you’ve been repeatedly asking that same question across numerous threads since 2018… oooooooooooooof.

The question says, “Is it your opinion that the cultural values I laid out,” and then follows up by listing those cultural values, “such as ideology, philosophy, and political allegiance are not worth observation?”

The conversational underpinnings are absolutely irrelevant, and if you were asked this question randomly by someone in the street it wouldn’t come across as loaded. I don’t know what to tell you?

I’m sorry your position(s) can’t withstand a few sticky questions? :cry:


My response to keep it short and easy

I am stating I asked you the question and you didn’t answer.
I am not stating as to when, or if you asserted it.
These are mutually exclusive concepts, and while you wish they were the same, they are not.

That is literally what I asked you. Asking if you to list cultural differences = any differences.

Hint: People cannot read your mind. We don’t know your position unless you get asked.

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High Elves aren’t playable and there’s no indication they’re going to become playable.

Why do you need to spam the forum with this thread every single time the original one dies?

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Cause we’re still yapping.

Now go away. We have arguments to circle around!


If I can’t recall ever being asked the question, and you can’t provide a citation to prove you asked it, then to utilize some of your legalistic jargon… “HEARSAY!”.

  • They’re aligned, politically, with different global powers – which qualifies as a difference, albeit not an easily discernible one.

  • They’re aligned, socially and ideologically, with different regional powers – which qualifies as a difference, albeit not an easily discernible one.

Thus, my answer remains the same. The HE’s are slightly divergent, but not so thoroughly as to render them instantly distinguishable from BE’s by the average player.

It’s been covered numerous times, I’ve had this discussion in long-form posts with Murg plenty of times.

The burden of keeping you, and you specifically, apprised of my day-to-day understandings only extends so far. :man_shrugging: