Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Tsk tsk, this is because you’re an orc. The refined arts are beyond you.

Fyorsing, if you’re going to put up another flimsy argument where you make tactless and lacking in wit remarks, I am just going to respond with mr dictionary links. As I already see you furiously tapping away at your keyboard while hoping someone will acknowledge your intellect based upon the verbosity of your statements.

This was twice directed at Roghter:

A loaded question is still a question. You asked me one just the other day, do you recall what happened next? I answered it. :open_mouth:

  1. His explanations were weak, at best.
  2. As far as I’m concerned, refusing to answer a direct question is never permissible in a long-form discussion.

And if he’d not answered your questions, instead, I’d still be on him – but, for some unknown reason, almost all of the inquiry dodging comes from the anti-HE side of thing.

You find me a question avoiding pro-HE player, and we can drop the hammer on them together. I’m not going to hold my breathe waiting for you to find one, though. :man_shrugging:

I sincerely doubt this to be the case, but if you can actually find questions you’ve levied at me that I didn’t answer… send them my way.

If you just answer them appropriately, and in accordance with your personal positions, there isn’t any tomfoolery to be concerned about. For instance:

“I don’t beat my wife.”

See how easy that was?

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If we’re playing this crazy game that we have to answer all questions even when they’re clearly not meant to illicit a proper answer, you didn’t give an answer to the question posed.

And which question was that?


That sounds like an answer to me. More specifically the answer of “The question was already answered and explained”

“Why do you beat your wife?”

“I don’t beat me wife”, is deflecting the question (rightfully), but it’s not answering the question posed to you.


That is an attempt at answering for Guzzle, not answering for himself – you know, the person to whom the question was directed at.

WoW doesn’t need more races/classes, those are bandaid fixes for crappy content.

Where’s the bandaid to fix you?

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Yes, because the whole conversation started when whatstheir name was playing silly buggers with Guzzle and asking him questions. So yeah, saying that the person you’re asking dishonest questions to already explained what was going on is a valid response.


How is that not an answer? I would think a deflection for that question would be along the lines of “well why does he beat his wife?”

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That’s fair, but a deflective answer is better than no answer at all.

It was specifically stated, by Dayon, that he wasn’t going to continue inquiring about what Guzzle believed since Guzzle had departed the thread – instead, he specifically asked Roghter questions about what Roghter thought.

There wasn’t ever an answer given.

Because the question isn’t “Do you beat your wife?”.

Deflecting questions isn’t inherently wrong in some circumstances. When posed a loaded question it’s perfectly justified.

So? They don’t look like they’re actually looking for an answer, they’re just trying to bypass the main heft of the argument (have the high elves and blood elves split enough to be on both factions) by making dishonest little gotcha questions.


Right, but deflecting isn’t the concern – disregarding the question, entirely, is.

Disregarding loaded questions is fine too.

Don’t ask loaded questions.

If you want legitimate answers ask legitimate questions.


A loaded question is a logical fallacy because it isn’t a question at all.
“Have you stopped beating your wife?” is not a question.

  1. You refused to answer it the first time I asked.
  2. The question I asked wasn’t a loaded question and I explained this to you.
  3. You then answered after the initial refusal once I explained it was not a loaded question.

Rather dishonest of you to act like you answer a loaded question when you didn’t.

Loaded questions are logical fallacies just like strawmanning and appealing to authority. Answering them only waters down the discussion and causes it the discussion to move so out of place from its original purpose that there is no meaningful discussion to be hand.

Asking someone “have you stopped beating your wife?” in court, results in a sustained objection due to the nature of it.
So yes, there are questions that don’t, and shouldn;t be answered due to the inherent falsehood they create.

Did I ask a loaded question?

Hey fyorsing, can you list the cultural differences you assert exist between high elves and blood elves?

Still waiting on that answer.

That was the literal question earlier and you still haven’t answered it.
“Ask me a question”
Ignores the question right in front of them.

There is no proper answer to a loaded question. which is why they are not allowed in a court of law or debate..
So the proper response is to not answer it and point out its a loaded question.

like you did earlier.

You didn’t answer my question.
See how a loaded question is not really a question?
I asked why you beat your wife.
The supposition is that you beat her.
You denying it, is not answering my question. You just lied.

Which is why you refused to ask my question earlier when you stated it was loaded.

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There isn’t anything dishonest about asking whether or not it’s appropriate to discount social values and political allegiance when discussing differentiation between playable races – it either is, or it isn’t, but it can’t be both when it suits the person doing the discounting.

I’m still waiting on some of these, because I’m intrigued.

Arguing from authority is only a fallacy when the authority isn’t legitimate.

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You should be a politician cause you’re excellent at dodging.
Apparently, you’re not good at understanding unless its direct, or rather, unless its in a way that you like. So let’s try this one.

What are these cultural differences?.
I hope they’re well supported.

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