Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

As a part of the ANti-high elf group, you will receive cookies, a banner, and the right to enjoy our private club.
It is very nice.


:open_mouth: Sounds fancy.

When the blood elves joined the Horde, we brought everything that the Horde was lacking in comforts. b(^_^)
Such as wines and meads.

Suggestion, don’t use the dictionary to try and pin down a complex concept, especially not as proof in an argument. The dictionary generally is there to give you a rough idea of what a word means, not a complex dive into the topic.

And I’m not sure why Balkanization is being brought up when that’s more of a byproduct of empires and their fall. When the various different cultures that all get roped into being one nation because the empire felt like it, or they all looked the same to them, so why wouldn’t they make them one nation instead of many? Not so much “OMG, we have suddenly decided we don’t like you so we’re leaving” as it is “Now that the empire doesn’t have a gun to our head, let’s get back to fighting each other like the good old days. Maybe if you’re quiet we can just go to passively disliking each other for a bit”

agreed. high elves arent coming because they are already here and playable as blood elves. their problem has always been that legolas is on the horde

blizzard should just kill the SC at this point. they have given too much false hope to a small minority and they are irrelevant to the plot. they have said when blood elves get blue eyes the ‘high’ elf obsession will not end. but it needs to be brought to an end, and if killing all 7 alliance high elves and the SC of dalaran is what it takes i am all for it. at least then they will have closure and we can ask for things that are actually possible


You’re discussing playable High Elves, with someone whose concern about their inclusion borders on hysteria – expect a lot of this. :man_shrugging:

(Note: He ignored very direct, very simple inquiries about his own understanding of differentiation based upon social values and/or political ideology – all so he could pretend that Guzzle needed to be spoken for and defended. And I’m still 40 posts behind in the thread, as of this writing. Tisk tisk.)


I like how you’ve begun this new trend of hyperbole regarding the emotional state of individuals as a means of resolving the cognitive dissonance you are experiencing interacting with antis.

I further enjoy how you state you are reading, but completely ignore the argument that was placed forth by Roghter as to why the argument put forth by Dayon was poor and a strawman in aspects. The only reason you are in disagreement with Roghter’s explanation is simply because Dayon agrees with you on the inclusion of high elves, so you willfully blind yourself to the flaws of his argument.

For example, Dayon’s argument in regards to cultural differences of high elves and blood elves, but without providing examples of these cultural differences. He makes an empty assertion essentially.
Just as you make an emotional assertion, which ironically, categorizes yourself as an individual whose arguments are driven by spite.
The greatest irony is this part

While you come to speak and defend Dayon while acting in bad faith. Tsk tsk.


And yet your entire argument is easily voided by "This is fiction and they could if they really wanted to. But since they all main horde, the Alliance is literally their enemy. "

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Are you talking about the person you responded to who pretends saying “Night Elves have a vastly different culture than Nightborne or High/Blood elves” and “High elves and Blood elves haven’t had a significant cultural divide yet” are contradictory to make a gotcha?


oh come off it

come down from there please. saying development only plays horde is completely subjective

look lots of players like races on the other faction, but they choose not to play as them for one reason or another

faction choice matters in a faction based game

youve clearly made your choice(alliance). time you owned it. otherwise the horde awaits

Yes, because, again, the aim of WoW is not to make money and so Blizzard will alienate half its playerbase because making money is not their foremost interest.
All you ever do is say “THE DEVS ARE HORDE MAINS AND HATE THE ALLIANCE” while completely ignoring that their interest in making money is the greatest motivating factor and thus, would take precedence over ideas of bias.

Now I understand the alliance has gotten short changed on many matters. I agree that the devs could do better by the Alliance. They could get a better story, but if at any point you say “well the alliance wouldn’t do that”, then you place a limitation that makes it harder to do things with the faction.

Are we still talking about an attempted gotcha from like 6 hours ago?

I didn’t ignore it, I simply disagree that inquiring about how differentiation is measured is a strawman in any way – which are the questions I’m referring to. Not the questions that Dayon aimed at Guzzle, the questions he posed to Roghter.

I didn’t mention his argument at all, or assert that I agreed or disagreed with it – rather, what I made a note of was that Roghter refused on numerous occasions to answer very simple questions (and, instead, chose to take those moments to take up the cause of defending Guzzle’s honor).

Except I didn’t defend anything he said, nor did I attempt to strengthen his argument – just taking note of the people who like to tip-toe around answering basic questions.

(Just a heads up, you’re one of them.)

I don’t care about Dayon’s argument, I care about questions not being answered.

Apparently so.

Fyarsing believed she needed to come to the defend of Dyson while decrying someone else for defending your argument. So…basically she’s stirring the pot with her hypocritical matter and got called on it.
She’ll probably do the following.

  1. Try to flame bait.
  2. Ignore her contradictions
  3. Claim everyone else is wrong for the things she does but she doesnt do them.

Oh look, right on time.


Which question?

  1. I didn’t express support, or opposition, to anything Dayon stated.
  2. I didn’t build upon, or tear down, anything Dayon stated.

I merely point out when people avoid answering questions. The thread-goers can do with that information what they will.

Maybe you’ll be the new Fyrebusche, before long. :man_shrugging:

Yes, you did, or you would have understood why the question went unanswered entirely. Of course, you similarly ask loaded questions all the time, so I am not surprised you are complaining the question went unanswered.

I mean, you do realize Roghter explained why he didn’t answer those questions…yes?
Other wise, you’re ignoring it to push a false narrative and acting in bad faith.

No, you just came to say “Shame on you Roghter for not answer Dayon’s questions” which is explicitly coming to the defense of Dayon by attacking Roghter.

I find this ironic because this is classic transference.
I asked you and several other pro-helfers questions regarding cultural differences and you never answered them.
Meanwhile., you ask loaded questions to which there is no answer.
Contradictions. Contradictions and hypocrisy everywhere.

Yes…because questions can never be set up to be loaded, in bad faith, or bad set ups to force an answer.

“Why do you beat your wife?” makes several bad assumptions

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Neither of which are needed to come to the defense of someone. Your defense doesn’t work.
If hecatone says “High elves should burn.”
and you ask “Why?”
and I come out of nowhere and say “You shouldn’t be asking why”, then I have done neither 1, nor 2, but simultaneously attacked you and defended him implicitly.
I know logic does not work on you but I may be pleasantly surprised.

Okay Callistuzan.
That’s a mixture of Callistus and Kizzan’s name.
One is a person who puts forth arguments in bad faith while acting in a pseuo-intellectualist way, the other person flame baits and throws insults while decrying everyone as being a bad actor.


But I never even took drama.