Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

You do know that Vareesa was at the gates of Orgrimmar too when Saurfang challenged Sylvanas to Mak’gora? And I am pretty sure she was not there on behalf of the Kirin’Tor, the Horde or Quel’Thalas.

Actually, I dunno why she was there to be exact either

That is true, though the whole bringing up them escaping justice thing makes me think the writers have other plans for them.

Need to get a DVD of that show

Not buying such an argument.
They were perfectly capable of fighting for the Alliance in MoP, so why do they not do so now? If they are an alliance faction, why aren’t they going out there anyway? You can’t say “they’re alliance aligned” then say “but they aren’t willing to leave Dalaran to fight for the faction they are aligned with”.

Apparently., Night of the Dragon never occurred, nor did the interval where she tried to assassinate Garrosh then bailed on the notion, nor did the events of Cataclysm where she came to defend the blood elves from the Amani on request from Halduron.

Anytime someone says LoL I think of darksydephil. Its not a good image.

Neutrality does not necessarily mean you stop feeling a certain way.
It simply means you won’t assist either side. Those two are mutually exclusive and don’t contradict each other. Shocking, I know.

I was being sarcastic.

Because we think waaaaaaay more about this than the writers do.


Oh… Oh…

rats. You got me.

I’m probably just blanking on something, but what is this referring to?

When we go after Sylvanus the Sun Reavers show up to nab Jaina. They have some sort of pact where if they help Sylvanus they get their ‘justice’.

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She burned Teldrassil, she can burn in the Maw.

And it can be the Night Elves that set her on fire too.


Ah, I see now.

That’s certainly an avenue they could take, though the blowback would be immense.

Did you, or did you not acknowledge it after that post where you admitted Void elves had stuff over the nightborne? Is that not pulling back on your notion? Cause if not, you’ll need to go back to screaming everything is unfair. I can then say dishonest, dishonest, dishonest, over and over again since you seemingly want me to do so.

He says after naming a specific poster. Christ dude, you’re such a bad liar.

That doesn’t sound like a reality I am coming from if it is one you are trying to push. You know that right?


You tried so very hard to fake “guessing” my alt that it is actually comical. You happen to guess a specific poster, whom you haven’t interacted with in quite some time just off hand? Good stuff dude. ANyway, there is obviously nothing else to discuss. Let me know when you have something of substance besides indignant rage.

I don’t really think it would be. It’s not something most players care about. It’s a very small piece of the story.


“Why High Elves dont work…”

“…Because they’re lazy.”


But seriously, they don’t think about it this much.

Well, he did it.

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She’d just be joining other characters like Saurfang, Cairne, Garrosh and, yes, Sylvanas.

What do you mean exactly Fyorsing? You’ll need to be specific.

The question isn’t related to what is being discussed. It is a red herring being tossed out so you can attempt a “gotcha”, which ironically enough, you accused me of earlier.

Hey pot, meet kettle.

By the way, doubling someone’s core temperature would most assuredly kill them.

That’s true. Blizzard has really taken down a bad path though with the lore and everything, and it has led us to wondering more.

I’m saying that is possibly that joining the war in earnest would break Dalaran’s neutrality and force them to leave Dalaran.

Like, Nuance, again, the point. Maybe their living on a neutral city hamstrings how much they can act, that’s my point.

How do any of these things make her neutral FFS? What is this???

If you are thinking of darksydephil on any context I’m genuinely sorry for you.

I still how people keep making the argument that Vereesa Windrunner, almost always acting on behalf of the Alliance on Dalaran, who claims that she sees redemption for her kin as rejoining the alliance, who acts as an alliance emissary, who shows up as an alliance leader during PvP quests, who says things like “I lost a husband and a King to the Horde’s treachery”-

  • is neutral.

This is like the worst argument, yet people keep making it because… I literally don’t even know at this point.


I think a lot of people would be mad, call it less than a low effort reskin. Other people would be madder and say they stole an iconic Horde race. Look at the reaction to Mechagnomes and Nightborne. If there is one more allied race for the Alliance they’ll be motivated to do it differently.

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