Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer


As recently as 40 minutes ago accepted new evidence.

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I’m just kinda tired of Blizzards whole, We have to put Thalassian Elves, against Thalassian Elves.

Do you deliver ice cream as well as gifs?

Such a good look on ya!

Yes they are exactly the same as blood elves except they are the group that refused to obey kael and stuck with the alliance and went to outlands.
Also liadrin /alleria/vanressa would been leader choices, they are a sub sect of the blood elf race on ideological difference.
Rest of your argument is complete bull blizz doesnt want to do it because the effort it would take to re release them.

They put Orcs against Orcs, too. We had an entire expansion for that.

Oh I agree, which is why I think Alliance high elves have run their course, and based on Dev commentary that has already happened. What we need is closure with a clear overture to illustrate this - in game.

Void Elves on the other hand liven things, add a new dimension to the story… in more than one way. :octopus:


For you? Of course. :slight_smile:


So, Andiun Wryn? You know, the one who slapped with a closed fist Wrathion?

Okay this one deserves the Mindy Kaling gif


Which is why I grab my pots and pans and keep yelling things would have been so much dang better if they had Voided the Silver Covenant

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No, his Dad while he was the Alliance king. Everything else you just said I have no idea why you brought it up.

just bring them home or kill vereesa. shes like all thats left. the SC have seemingly vanished from dalaran with their enclave taken over by the worgen

vereesas fate is up in the air right now. some people believe she will not survive the 3rd act of the ‘3 sisters’ narrative. just kill her and it ends

A lot of my coworkers don’t work but they’re still there.

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Unless you are suggesting that she does not consider herself part of the Alliance anymore due to a change in leadership?

Thank you! I am all out at the moment. :frowning:

Does that seem like i said there was parity? I mean SERIOUSLY this was just a couple of hours ago.

Or is this another you don’t remember because you don’t care. Honestly i would love to know who your alts are, you must post so much in so many threads you are losing the ability to follow conversations.

Just simply pointing out the reality of where you are coming from. And clearly you are all over the place to the point of not even recognizing what i said and when i said it.

Hey whatever floats your boat dude.

Salty? You are the one who keeps saying i’m immature…while i said it explicitly when i did it. And have now said it multiple times and you keep trying to imply it as a general statement because you clearly don’t realize how unaware of yourself you come across to others.

Are you Broflake? Sorry i don’t keep track of forum alts, it is so far down the priority list to be almost non-existent. That is why i am hours into this thread talking to you and only now just asking.

If it is you Broflake…that fills in ALL the blanks. Seriously if it is you i’m fistpumping at my ability to recognize a forum alt. It also fills in why you would call me dishonest 2 days ago when i don’t think i have ever even seen this alt of yours before, it was like out of left field someone calling me a liar like we knew each other and i find you hiding behind another mask.

And by the way i did just ask in this thread as to who it is…WHERE else am i going to ask?

So did the joining of the Unseen Path mean leaving Dalaran?

that or they lost too many fighting the legion is my guess

But at least there were many different clans of Orcs… It’s been Sun Reavers V Silver Covenant, Sun Reavers V Silver Covenant, Sun Reavers V Silver Covenant, Lady Liadrin and the Blood Knights V Silver Covenant. Where’s the diversity :weary: