Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

I wouldn’t say that. I do think Vereesa think sthe Alliance is the “right” faction, but I do think she is conflicted because at the same time, she understands why the blood elves went Horde.
She may want the blood elves on the alliance, but I don’t believe she wishes to fight them like she did in MoP.
Keep in mind everyone, Vareesa only ever took offensive action agaisnt the blood elves when she thought they were to blame for Rommath’s death.

LOL, no faction war…WHAT ARE THE ALLIANCE FORCES DOING AT ORG. if there is no faction war? Oh that’s right you think the faction war ended when Saurfang brought his tiny faction to fight the Horde at Orgrimmar.


How do I insert that gif of Mindy Kaling looked tired AF from The Office?

I think they’ve just taken the place of Alliance high elves, which only really exist as a reaction to the Blood Elf story.

Rhonin’s death, silly.

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This is next level.

Are you saying that while she wants the Blood Elves to rejoin the Alliance and be redeemed, she herself is neutral…



Dude, why are you continuing arguing with Fyre? You can’t get that denail out of him, and he won’t admit any mistakes as well.

Said the kettle.

You aren’t exactly on high ground there.

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I wish they would make them more then just the Foil for the Blood Elves. Yet the only time I’ve ever seen them going to war, it has been in reaction to Blood Elves. Even the Purge of Dalaran was in reaction to Blood Elves.

The difference is that 2 days ago, you insisted on ignoring the parity. This time, you acknowledged it and changed your mind rather than insist on a dishonest view.
I do not understand your fascination with me needing to call you dishonest every other post dude.

oh my god, thank you, i’ll put it in a box and treasure it forever. :heart:
I know it took a lot out of you, so much so that you’re being salty about it.

I find it hilarious you’re trying so hard to make it seem like that was an honest question. Come on now, you can just say “I asked around who you were because I was insecure.”.

And guess what. Neither are you!

/licks Heca

But you still do taste like Vanilla.

I don’t really see the need for that. Void Elves are an opportunity to give the Alliance its own thing. Alliance high elves are just other Blood Elves that exist because of either an over reaction to a diet or because they are really really racist. Even then, an Alliance of humans, dwarfs, and high elves is just so banal.


High Elves are not Blood Elves.

this is why vereesa is not a good barometer of high elf feeling. yes, she leads the few of them that are left but she was always seriously considering abandoning them to join the horde during the events of war crimes. did she relent? yes, but she still considered it and almost went through with it. she is technically neutral, just alliance sympathetic. its pretty obvious you are the one in denial :smile:

I don’t know about tired…but I’m betting this one will work for you:


Because the Silver Covenant is made of… Dalarani citizenry and they don’t wanna leave their home… perhaps?

This is literally “Well they can’t be alliance because they live on a neutral city.” A neutral city with factioned sections. Oh jeez.

Alleria was a present member of the Alliance at the same time Sylvanas was Horde for LESS THAN AN EXPANSION but let’s call her potential neutrality “An overarching theme of her character portrayal”

All the lols in the world for u.

And yet she still thinks they have to make up for it and rejoin the alliance. So neutral.

Also “she has always been…” For real? Her character development has literally been “RED IS DEAD” to “Blood elves can have a little redemption and rejoin the alliance, as a treat” from MoP to Legion!!


works too!


Do…you not play the game? Did…you miss the part where the war ended?

The same way I would insert a gif telling you to quit being a trifling person.

Have gifs, will travel

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If this is your position, then why is it such a hot-button issue when anybody (see. literally anybody) suggests the High Elves show up for the Alliance?

As long as the rest of the people in the thread take note of the fact that you’ve refused to answer a very simple question, I’m fine with eating your vitriolic commentary. :joy: